swaraj Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs
27 June 2014

Disquiet on the eastern front

Relations between India and Bangladesh have been limping along a road paved with good intentions, but little action. Will the new government in Delhi make things better or worse for its smaller and weaker neighbour? There are concerns, but there is also optimism, that Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be the man to do business with

Modi departure_Bhutan Courtesy: MEA/Indian Embassy Thimphu
18 June 2014

Modi: charting a new foreign policy course

Narendra Modi’s first month in office has seen him deftly handle India’s neighbours, accept an invitation to visit Washington, enhance relations with Bhutan and accord due importance to China. In the same manner, Modi will also have to move quickly and firmly to reassure foreign investors of the dependability of India’s fiscal environment

Modi with Jigme Wangchuk Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
13 June 2014

India-Bhutan: a unique bond

Narendra Modi has picked Bhutan for his first foreign visit after taking charge, a sign that the neighbourhood is a foreign policy priority for the new government. Bhutan’s economy is closely linked to that of India’s, and despite pressures from powerful countries, Bhutan has always kept Indian interests paramount.

Paradigm change in Pakistan
30 May 2014

Paradigm change in Pakistan

The newly elected Modi government in India must acknowledge the paradigm change in internal Pakistani politics, and pursue normalization in ties, through an innovative approach.

MapsofIndia Courtesy: Chaipau/WikimediaCommons
30 May 2014

Policy Catalyst: Seven Sisters’ Corridor

The Narendra Modi government has made the North East a developmental and foreign policy priority. Gateway House has conceived a robust regional economic plan called the “Seven Sisters’ Corridor” that can be the template for a new North East.

Modi signing register Courtesy: PMO/Government of India
28 May 2014

Narendra Modi: global perspectives

By inviting SAARC leaders to his swearing-in ceremony India’s new prime minister Narendra Modi has signaled a major shift in India’s foreign policy. Gateway House presents perspectives from experts from seven countries on the changes they expect to see in India’s foreign policy in the Modi era

southasiafinal Courtesy: User:Deepak/Wikimedia Commons
27 March 2014

‘Ties with neighbours is priority’

Historically, foreign policy has rarely played a decisive role in the Indian elections although issues like the nuclear deal with the U.S. have led to domestic storms. In this interview Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, explains why foreign policy has only occasionally been a key factor in the elections

warmemorial Courtesy: Rajkumar1220/Wikimedia Commons
21 March 2014

Lessons from the 1962 war report

The classified Henderson Brooks report on the India-China War is still relevant for India, considering China’s renewed aggression at the Line of Actual Control. The findings highlight the need to re-think our muddled China policy and coordination among the political, bureaucratic and military establishments

ambkatju2 Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
16 January 2014

‘It is premature to make such attempts’

Vivek Katju, former Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan, says about India’s attempts to reintegrate the Afghan economy into the region. In an interview to Gateway House he also talks about why it will take time for Afghanistan to become a bridge for the flow of trade, and how the U.S.-Pakistan equation impacts India