Indira Lyndon Jerchel wikimediacommons Courtesy: Jerchel/WikimediaCommons
24 September 2013

The case for India-Alignment

India often finds itself in the right place at the wrong time or vice versa, as our dogma of non-alignment trumps honest calculations of self-interest in policy-making – rendering it unfavourable. The national interest, hence, calls for selective alignment on some issues with Washington and on others with Beijing

Manmohan Humala flickr Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
12 September 2013

Peru: India’s new billion-dollar trade partner in Latin America

Today, despite Indian exports to Peru expected to cross the $ 1 billion mark in 2014, we are at a disadvantage vis-a-vis the exports from Peru's free trade agreement (FTA) partners. Why is it imperative for New Delhi to initiate negotiations with Lima and address the disadvantages of our exporters to their markets?

manmohan obama seema Courtesy: U.S. Embassy New Delhi
11 September 2013

India-U.S: Last chance to salvage ties

Since 2009, distraction and dysfunction in both India and the U.S. have dissipated the enthusiasm for greater bilateral ties. However, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has one last chance to salvage India-U.S. ties during his visit to the country this month, and he must utilise it appropriately

maliki manmohan MEA Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
29 August 2013

Maliki’s visit lays ambitious goals

After Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s recent visit to India, cooperation in the energy sector could become the cornerstone of the bilateral relationship. A lot depends on India’s response to the opportunities offered by Iraq, and on how India triangulates its foreign policy with Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia

Asitimes - Flickr Courtesy: Asitimes/ Flickr
31 July 2013

A new blueprint for China

Indian and Chinese companies routinely bid against each other in their quest to secure oilfields and other resource pools resulting in rising prices. However, a preferable recourse would be for the nations, along with ASEAN, to collaborate as there is enough for all

manmohan kerry MEA Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs
30 July 2013

India’s torpor, U.S.’ frustration

Policy-making in India remains haphazard, and in the name of ‘strategic autonomy’ New Delhi is scuttling its own rise. Biden’s visit underlines India’s importance in the U.S.’ strategic calculus. India must now decide what role it sees for the U.S. in its foreign policy matrix and for itself in the global order

biden MEA Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
23 July 2013

Biden’s political skills will be tested in India

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to India this week comes at a time when the India-U.S. bilateral relationship has gone seemingly adrift. Can this visit, which comes just months ahead of the Indian general elections, rejuvenate the relationship which is rooted in long-term common strategic interests?

bhutan Courtesy: MEAphotogallery/ Flickr
19 July 2013

India-Bhutan: Winning friendship

The opposition People’s Democratic Party in Bhutan won the National Assembly elections held on July 13 taking another large step towards democracy. However, India became the unwitting subject of campaign discourse after the government abruptly halted fuel subsidies to the country

Chidambaram and Ahluwalia Courtesy: Chandraguptamaurya/ Wikimedia Commons
15 July 2013

India-U.S.: Credibility lost

In the face of a sagging rupee and FDI flight from the country, three top ministers recently visited the U.S. to retell the growth story of India and its potential. However, American political and business leaders seem largely unimpressed by the pitch and want more from the India-U.S. equation