Ufa 2015 in Numbers
16 July 2015

Ufa 2015 in Numbers

The Russian city of Ufa, capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, played host to three major summits from July 8-10—BRICS, SCO and Russia's Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). Here are some of the characteristics and developments from the summit in numbers

Refugees in Sicily Courtesy: Vito Manzari/Wikimedia Commons
13 August 2014

Change EU’s refugee policy

A refugee policy that absolves more capable and resource rich nations of any responsibility towards transnational asylum seekers is archaic and has lived beyond its time. Keeping in mind the EU's receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize for advancing causes of peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights, it is incumbent upon it to set new standards and reform its refugee policy

China in Africa Courtesy: cowriesrice
8 August 2014

A better package for Africa

China's investment in Africa holds both positive and negative lessons for India. India can learn from Beijing's success at courting African leaders, but should focus on investments that better develop local African communities.

israel Courtesy: Natan Flayer
5 August 2014

Tracing the course of India-Israel ties

There has been strong criticism of the Modi government’s tepid response towards Israel’s offensive in Gaza, with many insinuating religious reasons. However the reality is that India’s engagement with Israel has grown substantially since the two countries established full diplomatic relations in 1992.

IBSA Courtesy: Gateway House
15 July 2014

Time to revive the IBSA Dialogue Forum

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Brazil for the BRICS summit is an opportunity for India to intensify its engagement with South America and reactivate the long-dormant IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) grouping. This grouping is a promising partnership comprising of different models of democracies spread over three continents

brics Courtesy: wikimedia/commons
4 July 2014

Mandate for BRICS Bank

Brazil is all set to host the 6th BRICS Summit from July 15. In light of the fact that most developing nations have concerns over the pro-western bent of the World Bank and the IMF, the BRICS initiative of setting up of a Development Bank needs to gain momentum and the nations should finalise the mandate on a priority basis

Assad rally Courtesy: al Riyadh
13 June 2014

Assad: baptism by a brutal ballot

Basher Assad has been voted to power in Syria in an election which is widely regarded as lacking legitimacy. This will be Assad’s third term in office and his victory is an indication of the control he continues to wield despite growing western backing of opposition groups