Modi In G20 Courtesy: Narendra Modi/Facebook
25 August 2022

Geopolitics, G20 and India’s Choices

India will be president of the G20 in 2023. The world’s most influential economic governance body is facing an existential crisis, where the major powers have fallen out. With geopolitical currents redefining geo-economics, India needs to be ready to emerge as the chief global diplomat.

G7GS Courtesy:
13 July 2022

The G7 woos the global south

The G7 has reached out to emerging economies which have, of late, been facing challenges on the economic front, brought on by the lingering pandemic and the mismanagement of the Ukraine crisis. They are also seeking, from the global south, a broader acceptance of their world view. Will it be forthcoming?

china pakistan flags Courtesy: Shutterstock
22 June 2022

Understanding Pakistan’s China Debt Problem

Pakistan’s latest economic survey reveals the extent of the country’s indebtedness to China. High-interest Chinese loans, reckless multilateral borrowing, and ever-increasing defence budgets have deleteriously impacted Pakistan’s finances. Any lasting solution to these problems will have to involve China.

Rwanda_refugees_pic._1 Courtesy: TIME Magazine
13 June 2022

The trouble with Europe outsourcing asylum

The attempts of responsibility-transfer of asylum-processing and refugee-protection by the UK and Denmark to Rwanda, reflect a fundamental shift from the conventional principle of territorial asylum and set an undesirable precedent. Deporting the vulnerable to countries with perpetual internal socio-political and economic issues and inadequate asylum infrastructure, will gravely compromise their safety, welfare, human rights and benefit claims as refugees.

CRN_Services_Portfolio_Technology_696 Courtesy: CRN India
1 June 2022

Emerging and Critical Technologies in the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges

On 31 May 2022, Amb. Rajiv Bhatia delivered keynote address at the panel discussion on Emerging and Critical Technologies in the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges, organised by the Kalinga Institute of Indo-Pacific Studies. Amb. Bhatia elucidates on usage of technology in modern warfare, especially the Ukrainian war, while also stressing those critical technologies in the Indo-Pacific can provide a fillip to sustainable development in the region.

IMG-1679 Courtesy: Gateway House
31 May 2022

Resilient, dependable globalisation

In 2021-22, the U.S. overtook China as India’s largest trading partner. This is a significant milestone, and one that Atul Keshap as President of the US-India Business Council, intends to enhance. Keshap is a former ambassador and was the popular U.S. Chargé d’Affaires for India in 2021. He is also the optimist-in-chief for the India-U.S. bilateral. In this interview, Keshap speaks to Gateway House’s Manjeet Kripalani about the changed definition of globalisation, and the unique opportunities for India and the U.S. in a transforming world order.

India-France_Cover-02 Courtesy: Gateway House
5 May 2022

India-France: A Reliable Partnership

India and France have long been reliable partners, and friends in need. The fifth meeting between the leaders of the two countries highlights the focus on strengthening cooperation in 21st century issues. The India-France Track 1.5 Dialogue, hosted by Gateway House, Mumbai and Ifri, Paris, explored the potential of cooperation in digitalisation and energy transition

blue_economy Courtesy: Hossain Tareque-wikimedia commons
5 May 2022

A blue economy requires blue diplomacy

India has done considerable groundwork to turn into a blue economy nation through its maritime policies and active support of the Indian Ocean Rim Association. The time is right for the country to now focus on blue diplomacy, with an emphasis on maritime security and sustainable, equitable harnessing of maritime resources.