kapil kapoor (2) Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
26 July 2013

India-Africa: Beyond historical ties

As India looks towards Africa to expand its economic ties, it faces a number of challenges - both policy and commercial. Gateway House interviews Kapil Kapoor, Director of Strategy at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), to discuss new strategies for trade and investment in African countries

liu youfa Courtesy: Rajeshwari/Gateway House
19 June 2013

‘China and India should avoid competition’

The Depsang incursion had the potential to stifle economic and cultural relations between India and China. Gateway House interviews Dr. Liu Youfa, Consul General, People’s Republic of China, to discuss the bilateral mechanisms that the two countries can build on and their role in a globalising world.

Arun nanda 2 Courtesy: World Economic Forum/Flickr
13 May 2013

Interview: Are India and Pakistan ready for business?

For the first time since 1947, Pakistan, on May 11, succeeded in transitioning from one elected government to another. Gateway House interviews Arun Nanda, Director, Mahindra Group, on the prospects of India-Pakistan trade in the new political environment.

Gateway House Courtesy: Gateway House
22 March 2013

“UNHRC resolution is uncalled for”

With India backing the United Nations resolution against Sri Lanka, New Delhi-Colombo relations appear to be in a tense phase. Gateway House interviews Prasad Kariyawasam, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to India, to discuss the implications of the UNHRC vote and the future of India-Sri Lanka relations.

Gateway House Courtesy:
1 March 2013

Karl Eikenberry: “The Afghans can achieve their ambition…”

The military withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2014 is likely impact both South and Central Asia. Gateway House interviews former U.S. envoy to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, who also served as a military officer in Afghanistan, to discuss the challenges and opportunities in post-2014 Afghanistan.

Gateway House Courtesy: Rajeshwari K/Gateway House
25 January 2013

“The EU is learning from its mistakes”

In the backdrop of the European Union’s (EU) economic crises, the international community’s focus has shifted towards Asia. Gateway House interviews renowned historian and scholar Timothy Garton Ash on the lessons Asia can learn from Europe, Britian’s role in the EU and political morality.

nicolas veron interview pic Courtesy: Nicolas Véron
20 November 2012

“Europe has lessons to learn from India”

The deterioration of growth prospects is at the core of the financial crisis in Europe. Can Europe successfully form a banking and monetary union? Gateway House interviews Nicolas Véron, a French economist, to discuss the repercussions of the financial crisis in Europe and the potential for Indo-EU cooperation.

bhojwani_0 Courtesy: SamirB37/WikimediaCommons
4 October 2012

Interview: India’s prospects in Latin America

As India looks to diversify its sources for energy imports and grapples with food security issues, it is looking more towards Latin America. Gateway House interviews Ambassador Deepak Bhojwani to discuss India’s prospects with this increasingly significant region.