mahathir Courtesy: Reuters
24 May 2018

Mahathir’s Malaysian manoeuvres

Malaysia is in the eye of a different power game today. Fifteen years ago when Mahathir’s last tenure as prime minister ended, the United States loomed over the Asia-Pacific and Malaysia. Today it is an unlikely leader and Mahathir inherits a China-dominated Indo-Pacific and vexed internal politics. What changes in foreign policy will this entail?

aashna-china Courtesy: Gateway House
14 May 2018

Gwadar: trade hub or military asset?

China’s ostensible intentions are to turn Gwadar port into a focal point of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. But the geography of the region is a major stumbling block in the realisation of these ambitions and raises questions about the project’s underlying motives

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26 April 2018

Modi, Xi take charge

The leaders of India and China have decided not to leave the bilateral relationship to bureaucrats or ministers, but instead handle it themselves at the very top. The April 27-28 meeting promises to be a game-changer as Xi Jinping has accepted the need to improve ties with India as a priority

abe kim Courtesy:
10 April 2018

Tokyo’s gameplan for Pyongyang

North Korea's overtures to its immediate strategic neighbours through a series of summits have excluded Japan, which has long regarded Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missile development programmes a direct threat. It is reacting by reaching out to the U.S., North Korea and China

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13 March 2018

Toshinori Doi on regulating digital finance

Gateway House spoke to Toshinori Doi, President, Policy Research Institute, Japan, on the sidelines of the Gateway of India Geoeconomic Dialogue, on the risks associated with digitising finance, the Belt and Road Initiative and dealing with Chinese market dominance

Gateway House's research on Chinese investments in India's Neighbourhood. Researched by Amit Bhandari and Chandni Jindal. Courtesy: Gateway House
12 March 2018

Chinese Investments in India’s Neighbourhood

India and the world have watched China’s growing investment in Asia and beyond with a mix of awe and apprehension. The unprecedented scale of these investments are reshaping political arrangements around South Asia.

1200px-Malé_im_Landeanflug Courtesy: Wikipedia
27 February 2018

The politics of doing business in the Maldives

The recent crisis in the Maldives is a pertinent time to revisit an old case, highlighting the political uncertainties in the island nation due to growing Chinese influence and its impact on businesses and investors