Gateway House Courtesy:
1 March 2013

Karl Eikenberry: “The Afghans can achieve their ambition…”

The military withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2014 is likely impact both South and Central Asia. Gateway House interviews former U.S. envoy to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, who also served as a military officer in Afghanistan, to discuss the challenges and opportunities in post-2014 Afghanistan.

tank Courtesy: Chanakyathegreat/WikimediaCommons
1 February 2013

Can a war be limited?

After each terror attack in india, there are strident demands for military action against Pakistan. ‘Surgical’ strikes and limited war in a bilateral nuclear age are not really options. What is needed is more decisive action on non-military fronts

Www.Oic-Oci.Org Courtesy:
23 January 2013

India and the OIC: To join or not to join?

India’s relations with Islamic nations, many of which are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), have become even more prolific over the last decade. While India does not visualise becoming a member of a religious international body, many reasons militate against our formally joining the OIC.

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6 December 2012

The time for SAARC is now

Domestic politics are impacting overall SAARC relations. As the largest SAARC economy, we must strive to minimise differences with our neighbours by understanding how they perceive our policies, and uphold the promise of this regional bloc

afghanistan route 606 Courtesy: Isafmedia/Flickr
25 October 2012

Afghanistan: Strategic depth to strategic peace

As the NATO troops prepare to pull out of Afghanistan in 2014, India is already positioned to take on a larger, pro-active role, which can radically alter the balance of power in South Asia. However, what will determine the future of security in the region, is how India and Afghanistan deal with Pakistan.

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17 September 2012

Advantage: Pakistan

Manmohan Singh is likely to visit Pakistan later this year. As the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to the country in 8 years, it will be a significant event. The timing and the agenda of the PM’s visit, however, raise a few questions.

Global Stability Map Courtesy: Gateway House
1 August 2012

Global Stability Map 2012

Gateway House prepared a Global Stability Map, using 20 differing indicators, to analyze the stability of 60 countries around the world. Using criteria that are important to the emerging economies of the world, the map provides an Indian perspective of the world today.

kp fabian 2 Courtesy: Gateway House
25 July 2012

“India’s diplomacy is textual, not contextual”

Understanding the rationale behind India’s diplomatic decisions is essential for policymakers and citizens alike, so as to take better decisions in the future. Gateway House interviews former Ambassador to Italy, K. P. Fabian, to discuss how India's assessment of policy values the spoken word over context.