Modi with Tobgay Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
10 July 2014

Time for economic diplomacy

The Narendra Modi government’s first budget comes at a time when the prime minister has been substantially responsive to the world that has reached out to him. It is apparent that the new government will combine politico-strategic concerns with economic advantage

west asia Courtesy:
27 June 2014

Will ISIS redraw the West Asia map?

The rise of the militant ISIS will alter the stability and future of all West Asian countries, and can impact India in multiple ways. India must re-evaluate its West Asia policy, and address the safety of its nationals in Iraq, the security of its oil supplies, and the fallout on South Asia of this resurgence of strife

Kurdish struggle Courtesy:
27 June 2014

The Kurds: a historic opportunity?

Recent geopolitical shifts has given birth to the very real possibility of a fractured Iraq. The on-going civil war in Syria and an unstable Iraq has renewed the call for a Kurdish nationhood. Although presented with a historic opportunity, rebel factions and authoritarian governments still present a hurdle to the quest for an autonomous Kurdish region

iraq us Courtesy: laprensa
26 June 2014

Iraq crisis: 2003 revisited?

Over two years after American troops left Iraqi soil, the rise of the brutal ISIS is forcing a war weary contemplate a return to the country. Amid plummeting approval ratings and divided opinions at home, President Barack Obama will have to carefully weigh the implications of a disintegrated Iraq on the U.S. and indeed, the world.

GlobSec_2 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 June 2014

Bratislava reflections

GLOBSEC, the Bratislava Global Security forum is central and eastern Europe’s premier security forum. While this year’s edition focused on the crisis in Ukraine, a lack of balanced – or even representative – discourse painted a very bleak picture of Russia and its president

MapsofIndia Courtesy: Chaipau/WikimediaCommons
30 May 2014

Policy Catalyst: Seven Sisters’ Corridor

The Narendra Modi government has made the North East a developmental and foreign policy priority. Gateway House has conceived a robust regional economic plan called the “Seven Sisters’ Corridor” that can be the template for a new North East.

SAARC Courtesy: Kotakkalnet/Flickr
27 May 2014

Hopes for a South Asia union

The South Asian region is one of the least integrated in terms of trade and human interaction. The presence of SAARC leaders at the swearing-in ceremony of the new government heralds a step towards removing barriers and integrating the economies of this region

Spratly Islands_google map Courtesy: Google Maps
2 May 2014

South China Sea: escalating tensions

Braving potential retaliation from China, the Philippines has now challenged Beijing’s sovereign claims over the South China Sea before a UN tribunal, and raised the stakes in a longstanding dispute