pashtuns Courtesy: isafmedia/Flickr
6 September 2013

“The Pashtuns want peace and plurality”

Gateway House speaks to Farhat Taj, author of ‘Taliban and Anti-Taliban,’ about the general sentiment among the locals regarding the Taliban insurgents and how the Pakistani military establishment’s support for the insurgency will play out in the coming months

assadobama Courtesy: Freedom House/Flickr
6 September 2013

Syria: An unwarranted intervention

Despite rising international opposition, U.S. President Barack Obama is ready to penalise the Syrian regime for an alleged chemical attack in Ghouta, Syria, last month. The justifications given by the U.S. for an armed attack are questionable, and such retaliatory action will destabilise the entire region

Mossadegh by Harry S. Truman Library and Museum - WikimediaCommons Courtesy: Harry S. Truman Library and Museum/ Wikimedia Commons
19 August 2013

Badi Soch: Behind the CIA-Iran revelations

This daily column includes Gateway House’s Badi Soch – big thought – of the day’s foreign policy events. This Badi Soch deliberates on the timing of the CIA’s admission of involvement in overthrowing Iran’s Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 and the implications of this disclosure

Asitimes - Flickr Courtesy: Asitimes/ Flickr
31 July 2013

A new blueprint for China

Indian and Chinese companies routinely bid against each other in their quest to secure oilfields and other resource pools resulting in rising prices. However, a preferable recourse would be for the nations, along with ASEAN, to collaborate as there is enough for all

kapil kapoor (2) Courtesy: Prachi Bidaye/Gateway House
26 July 2013

India-Africa: Beyond historical ties

As India looks towards Africa to expand its economic ties, it faces a number of challenges - both policy and commercial. Gateway House interviews Kapil Kapoor, Director of Strategy at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), to discuss new strategies for trade and investment in African countries

biden MEA Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
23 July 2013

Biden’s political skills will be tested in India

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to India this week comes at a time when the India-U.S. bilateral relationship has gone seemingly adrift. Can this visit, which comes just months ahead of the Indian general elections, rejuvenate the relationship which is rooted in long-term common strategic interests?

bhutan Courtesy: MEAphotogallery/ Flickr
19 July 2013

India-Bhutan: Winning friendship

The opposition People’s Democratic Party in Bhutan won the National Assembly elections held on July 13 taking another large step towards democracy. However, India became the unwitting subject of campaign discourse after the government abruptly halted fuel subsidies to the country