New Triangle2 Courtesy: Gateway House
10 November 2016

A new Asian triangle?

Aung San Suu Kyi paid high-profile visits to both Japan and India recently; economic cooperation would have been high on her agenda. But what could also emerge from such overtures is a diplomatic threesome

Modi Kyaw2 Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs / Flickr
1 September 2016

Stepping up the Myanmar bilateral

The visit of the Myanmar president was a landmark visit, the first in five decades. It raises the fundamental question as to whether the visit will bring forth major strategic and economic gains in the India-Myanmar relationship.

135618503_14717392190131n Courtesy: Xinhua News Agency
21 August 2016

Suu Kyi in China: Asian balancing act

Aung San Suu Kyi’s recent visit to China heralds the return of Myanmar into the geo-strategic fold. The visit has demonstrated the Chinese willingness to woo its neighbour, and is an indicator that India needs to step up its relations with Myanmar.

Wah_Umngot_River_Dawki_Meghalaya_Border_Crossing_Bangladesh_India Courtesy:
27 July 2016

Listening to the Rivers

India's North Eastern States are part of one of the largest fluvial regions, they share this region with five other nations. At a recent conference, held on the sidelines of the the Nadi Festival in Shillong, the message of 'Listen to the dignity of the river' struck a chord with all present, and is a message which should be carried across the region.

Remise_du_Prix_Sakharov_à_Aung_San_Suu_Kyi_Strasbourg_22_octobre_2013-04 Courtesy: Claude TRUONG-NGOC
13 November 2015

Myanmar after elections: what next?

The elections in Myanmar finally come to a close with Suu Kyi-led NLD’s landslide victory. The military establishment has accepted defeat. Suu Kyi, who can't be the president, has made it clear that she would be 'above the president'. How should India read Myanmar now and act to safeguard its interests?

Li manmohan abe Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
31 May 2013

Li and Abe

While the recent India-Japan Joint Statement contains significant breakthroughs, the China-Pakistan Joint Statement reveals the absence of warmth between India and China. With the current flurry of bilateral exchanges, India is fine-tuning its approach to emerging regional realities, as are others.

Ministry Of External Affairs, India Courtesy: Ministry Of External Affairs, India
29 March 2013

India-Myanmar: a balance of interests

As a neighbour, India has legitimate interests in Myanmar, especially for peace and progress in its North East. More recently though, the Myanmarese are looking to imbibe democratic values from India, learn about regulations, banking systems, commodities exchanges, media councils, software and telecom skills

From China to ASEAN: Rebalancing India’s trade
14 December 2012

From China to ASEAN: Rebalancing India’s trade

New Delhi has actively worked with Beijing to address its massive bilateral trade deficit. However, it has another option. India can seek greater economic integration with ASEAN and substitute its imports from China with that of ASEAN. The India-ASEAN Summit on December 20 would be a good place to start.