Geopolitical contestations in cyberspace
27 December 2021

Geopolitical contestations in cyberspace

On 20 December 2021, the Gateway House-FLAME Policy Lab organised a webcast on geopolitical contestations in cyberspace. Gateway House’s Sameer Patil moderated the discussion with former deputy National Security Advisor Latha Reddy, National Law University’s Gunjan Chawla and cybersecurity expert Atul Khatavkar.

matsya Courtesy: Times of India
23 December 2021

India’s Deep Ocean Mission for innovation

In 2021, India expedited budgetary clearances to activate its Deep Ocean Mission. Most mission projects are currently confined to the network of institutions operating under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. To truly shine, they must follow the model of developed economies where ocean innovation clusters are public-private partnerships, to focus on attaining India’s strategic objectives.

Beautiful,National,State,Flags,Of,Myanmar,And,India,Together,At Courtesy: Shutterstock
23 December 2021

India’s delicate mission in Myanmar

Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla is on a crucial visit to Nyapitaw, meeting with the military government and opposition for the first time since the military coup this year. This is part of New Delhi's diplomatic agenda for Myanmar, which includes border management and striking a balance between strengthening democracy and supporting the military, amid dynamic regional geopolitics.

khalistan Courtesy: OpIndia
16 December 2021

Khalistan separatist propaganda continues

India’s ban on the separatist group Sikhs for Justice helps to conceal what they really mean by “justice”. SFJ's continuing firehose of publicity shows no interest in the human rights of the thousands of innocents who died in Khalistani terrorist attacks during the 1980s and '90s. Quite the contrary.

AUKUS spurs EU's Indo-Pacific ambitions Courtesy: EuroNews
25 November 2021

AUKUS spurs EU’s Indo-Pacific ambitions

The news of the EU's much-awaited Indo-Pacific strategy was overshadowed by the Australia-UK-U.S. military alliance, AUKUS. Eight weeks later, tempers are cooling off as the U.S and EU signed agreements at COP26. So, are transatlantic good times back on track? Has AUKUS put a permanent spanner in the wheel of the EU’s Indo-Pacific outreach?

Europe - IP Courtesy: Club of Three
18 November 2021

Indo-Pacific through the European prism

The EU's Indo-Pacific strategy, released in September, set the tone for a renewed focus on the region. Europe's Asia connect is rich, strong and multi-layered, laying the foundation for an advantageous position for the EU in the Indo-Pacific. This can be achieved if the EU is more candid with itself, more assertive with China, and more cooperative with India.

The Other Quad Courtesy: Samirsinh Dattopadhye Blog
18 November 2021

The Other Quad

Last month, at a hybrid meeting, the Foreign Ministers of India, the U.S., Israel, and the UAE set up a forum for quadrilateral cooperation. In the many issues discussed, the technology dimension shows the most potential for collaboration, with unique contributions of expertise and resources available from each country's tech hubs: Bengaluru, Silicon Valley, Dubai and Tel Aviv.

Pakistan is India's new cybersecurity headache Courtesy: Technology Times
11 November 2021

Pakistan is India’s new cybersecurity headache

Cyberattacks from Pakistan-based hacker groups targeting India have increased. The stepped-up cyber activity comes in the backdrop of Islamabad's new cyber security policy and expanded digital cooperation with China. India must bolster its existing abilities in cyber forensics and regulations to counter the enhanced Pakistani threat.

The China-Pakistan-Taliban-Iran nexus Courtesy: Xinhua
11 November 2021

The China-Pakistan-Taliban-Iran nexus

China has followed Sun Tzu’s strategy of focussing on alliances - building its own and weakening those of its adversaries. Beijing’s carefully nurtured formations in West and Central Asia are part of this global power projection, especially with Pakistan, Iran and now, the Taliban, through projects like the Belt and Road Initiative. India must recalibrate its China policy and push for concerted regional responses to emerge as a balancing force against it.

Taiwan: Changing Indo-Pacific balance Courtesy: Shutterstock
3 November 2021

Taiwan changes the Indo-Pacific balance

The notion of “peaceful reunification” of China with Taiwan has been a geopolitical fiction that has been now shredded by Beijing’s talk of taking Taiwan by force. Should Taiwan go under and much of Asia fall to Chinese hegemony, India’s interests will be as threatened as America’s, or perhaps even more.