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14 May 2020

Invoking force majeure in a crisis

For countries and companies reeling from the severe economic impact of COVID19, force majeure is a mighty legal tool that has not received much attention in contracts. An analysis of what it is, how it works and how it can be enforced.

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30 April 2020

Can sanctions solve the Pakistan problem?

The shifting geopolitics of the COVID19 crisis might be an opportune time for India to consider new strategies for managing and curtailing Pakistan’s military aggression in the future. One policy tool used effectively by other countries is the imposition of economic sanctions. India needs to devise a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach.

india sanctions pak Courtesy: Gateway House
30 April 2020

Devising an Indian policy on Sanctions for Pakistan

India must consider new strategies that can be put in place to manage Pakistan's ongoing military aggression and security threat. One policy tool that has been used effectively by many countries but remains unexplored by India is the imposition of sanctions. This paper analyses the feasibility of imposing sanctions on Pakistan and the strategies India should consider to execute this effectively. It makes recommendations on how to establish a legal framework, amend existing laws, include Indian stakeholders with business interests in Pakistan, get government departments to collaborate on implementation, and considers diplomatic measures India can undertake.

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23 April 2020

The issue of Cybersecurity during COVID19

The shift towards ‘work from home’ arrangements during the coronavirus enforced lockdown, has seen a sharp rise in the number and types of cyberattacks. With attacks exploiting new vulnerabilities, a highly secure, online infrastructure is imperative for businesses to function properly. Are India’s software companies ready with solutions?

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9 April 2020

Cybersecurity and privacy in the COVID-19 era

COVID-19 and remote working have resulted in a surge in demand for digital intermediaries, such as Zoom. Most of these are U.S.-based, with some having servers in China, which has aggravated privacy concerns. IT companies have responded quickly by fortifying themselves internally through a range of measures, but it is now time for India’s highly accomplished tech industry to devise secure, scalable platforms with India-based servers

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20 February 2020

Women power the armed services

A milestone on gender parity in the Indian armed forces was reached this week, when a woman IAF officer was assigned to train as an active flyer for the Rafale Jet fighter aircraft. This along with the recent announcement by the Indian Navy that two women officers will work on Naval warships as part of the ship's crew, will certainly expand women's participation in the armed forces.

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4 February 2020

The Unwanted Wars

Countries in the Middle East, such as Iran, Israel or Saudi Arabia, do not want a military confrontation. Yet, current circumstances conduce to the breaking out of just such a war