indchin Courtesy: dannyman/Flickr
27 March 2014

War report under wraps

Down the decades, every government has shown reluctance to declassify the contents of the Henderson Brooks Report, preventing a deeper analysis of what went wrong during the 1962 India-China war. In the absence of this, the key findings of this report remain shrouded in secrecy

boeing777_2 Courtesy: Aero Icarus/Wikimedia Commons
21 March 2014

MH370: India’s intelligence challenge

The talk about the missing Malaysian airlines being hijacked for an attack on an Indian city has necessitated an assessment of India’s counter-terrorism preparedness. India has strengthened its air defences on the tactical front but lags behind in intelligence sharing in aerial, land and maritime terror attacks

indi-chinadefence Courtesy: Press Information Bureau
28 February 2014

India-China: Back to the drawing board

The India-China Defence Dialogue is part of a joint effort to ensure peace along the LAC. The sixth round in New Delhi on 24 February included discussions on border protocols, security cooperation and exchanges in counter-terrorism. Along with these, India must also work on resolving the border dispute