Bahrain protest1 Courtesy: Al Jazeera English/Flickr
16 May 2013

Policy and Prejudice: Shia Divisionism in Bahrain

Two years ago, during the Arab Spring uprisings in several West Asian nations, youth and pro-democracy movements flared up on the Persian Gulf island of Bahrain. In light of these events, this paper assesses how Bahrain’s policies toward its Shia constituency have affected relations between Sunni and Shia groups.

pak flag Courtesy: Benchill/WikimediaCommons
8 May 2013

Pakistan elections: Tweedledum & Tweedledee

The national election in Pakistan looks like a game of polarisation, but if democracy is meant to provide some relief and prosperity, all political parties have flopped, bottom up. The field is now wide open, and anything can happen - including a hung parliament.

Asif_Ali_Zardari Courtesy: Eric Draper/WikimediaCommons
6 May 2013

Opening remarks: The civil-military equation favours the civilians

With Pakistan geared for a defining general election scheduled for May 11, Council on Foreign Relations' Daniel Markey, in a debate, titled ‘The civil-military equation in Pakistan has begun to tilt in favour of civilians,’ argues for the motion.

china army Courtesy: Steve Webel/Flickr
26 April 2013

The new, sharper sabre from Beijing

The Chinese army’s trespassing of the Sino-Indian Line of Actual Control near Ladakh has fuelled serious security concerns in India. This signals a sharper policy from Beijing towards India; it is also why its response must be firm, and the Chinese must be seen to back off.

Election Commission of Pakistan Courtesy: Election Commission of Pakistan
22 February 2013

A herculean task for Pakistan’s CEC

Pakistan’s Chief Election Commissioner, Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim, faces a host of challenges as he oversees the transition of the country’s first civilian government to complete its full five-year term. Will he be able to overcome the hurdles and ensure the free and fair polls Pakistan has so far been deprived of?

Bahrain Activist/WikimediaCommons Courtesy:
8 February 2013

India navigates the Arab Uprisings

The Arab uprisings show no sign of closure, and have become amorphous. While New Delhi has so far been immunised from the political and religious dimensions of the uprisings, the rise of political Islam, Islamic governance, and continuing instability will impact India.

tank Courtesy: Chanakyathegreat/WikimediaCommons
1 February 2013

Can a war be limited?

After each terror attack in india, there are strident demands for military action against Pakistan. ‘Surgical’ strikes and limited war in a bilateral nuclear age are not really options. What is needed is more decisive action on non-military fronts