handbook Courtesy:
27 June 2024

The Routledge Handbook of South Asia: Region, Security and Connectivity

The authors convincingly analyse the bewildering diversity, size and scale of the challenges of South Asia in a volume that is a rare treasure for those interested in deciphering the history, ethnic identities, colonial legacy, political economy, environmental risks, and geopolitical dynamics of the region.

Chavda Pod Courtesy: Abhijit Chavda Podcast
11 April 2024

West must listen to emerging middle powers

Emerging middle powers like India, Brazil and South Africa are articulating their interests on the global stage with growing assertiveness. Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House, joins Abhijit Chavda on his eponymous podcast to discuss changing dynamics between the West and the Global South, and how western and emerging middle powers can collaborate on shared priorities like multilateral reform, technology transfer and international trade.

Russian_BRICS_Chairship Courtesy: Official Internet Resources of the President of Russia
4 March 2024

BRICS under Russian chairship

Russia took charge of BRICS in January 2024 at a point of inflection in geopolitics and expanding influence for the bloc. As chair, Moscow aims to bolster cooperation along the lines of the BRICS’ three pillars to shift power away from the West and explore ways to engage potential members. Though China seems onboard, for India, neither of these pursuits must proceed too aggressively.

GSI Cover IMage Courtesy: Global Times
22 February 2024

China’s many initiatives for dominance

China’s world vision has entered its next phase. After the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), come the Global Initiative on Data Security (GIDS) so Chinese tech standards can lead, Global Development Initiative (GDI) so China leads the development dialogue, and Global Security Initiative (GSI), so China’s security is ‘indivisible’ from other countries – all in time for China’s 2049 goal of becoming a global power.

20231118_TWLDD002 Courtesy: The Economist
4 January 2024

Reading the tea leaves for 2024

After a year affected by a sustained polycrisis, global geopolitics in 2024 remains a delicate dance between hope and realism. Ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza cast uncertain shadows, while Taiwan and the South China Sea present potential flashpoints. Indian diplomacy will have to navigate old and new challenges, while promoting India’s expertise in digital technology, as also managing its own upcoming parliamentary elections.

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 1.52.17 PM Courtesy: Gateway House
30 November 2023

Leveraging IBSA for the G20 Troika Presidencies

On December 1, 2023, India will hand over the G20 Presidency to Brazil. The G20 troika will now comprise the three IBSA countries – India, Brazil, South Africa – till November 2025. This trio has an agenda in common and with the G20, such as multilateral reform, energy transitions and digitalisation. IBSA should use its mechanisms and natural solidarity to advance the interests of the Global South.

2n d voice of globa;l south summit Courtesy: DD News
23 November 2023

Maintaining the Global South momentum

On November 17, India hosted the Voice of the Global South Summit – the second such meeting this year. While the first summit helped India mould the agenda for its G20 presidency, this latest meeting, convened towards the end of the presidency, was aimed at sustaining the momentum, with the support of developing countries, for the implementation of G20 decisions.

G20-1 Courtesy: Times Now
16 November 2023

The road ahead for G20

The outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war less than a month after the conclusion of the New Delhi Summit has heightened the geopolitical anxieties that hovered over India’s G20 presidency year. As the baton passes to Brazil, purposeful action, careful diplomacy and managing conflicting interests will be key to the implementation of the Summit’s commitments.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks during a news conference in Brussels on July 15, 2020, after a virtual summit with the Indian Prime Minister. (Photo by YVES HERMAN / POOL / AFP) (Photo by YVES HERMAN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) Courtesy: CSIS
9 November 2023

Europe’s Challenges in the Indo-Pacific

Europe's increased focus on the Indo-Pacific and the deepening economic and technological collaboration with India offer mutual benefits. However, the EU's ambivalent approach towards China, and the desire of most European states to maintain neutrality in the U.S.-China rivalry might not be sustainable in the long run.

work visas paper Courtesy: Gateway House
2 November 2023

Internationalising Indian Education: Work Visas for Foreign Students

Indian companies are internationalising, and so should Indian education. The National Education Policy of 2020 recommends a series of policy initiatives and reforms in higher education institutes to attract foreign students to India. But making India an attractive destination for foreign students hinges on offering them the opportunity to work in the country too. Our new report shows how an expanded provision of work visas for foreign students is a progressive and natural extension of the NEP, enabling Indian campuses to internationalise, make India a global education hub and strengthen its international academic and corporate networks.