RadioFarda Courtesy: Radio Farda
28 February 2019

FATF: global terrorist financing watchdog

After the Pulwama attack of 14 February 2019, Pakistan has come under the international scanner for its support and financing of terrorist groups. At a meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in Paris last week, it was pulled up for its inability to choke terrorist financing. This primer illustrates the role of the FATF in tackling terrorist financing and money-laundering, and studies its recent review of Pakistan

Canada 2 Courtesy: Gateway House & CIGI
8 February 2019

Partnering for Prosperity: India-Canada Collaboration to Curb Digital Black Markets

The virtual computer world holds tremendous potential for harm infliction, and cybercrime is a growing concern for India and Canada. Both countries have cracked down on digital black markets, where transactions for contraband and illegal services take place, but such cooperation can be further deepened through advanced use of technology and informal collaboration, for example, thereby also contributing to international security at the multilateral level

46658837911_46b856f8ef_o Courtesy: MEA Flickr
10 January 2019

India, Norway and the Blue Economy

Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg’s visit to India earlier this week had a central focus: strengthening economic and technological cooperation in the Blue Economy. This is an area in which her country has considerable expertise and with which Indian business needs to collaborate in managing industries, such as oil, shipping, fisheries and aquaculture in a ‘green’ way

32015837878_7c9f57e917_o Courtesy: MEA/Flickr
29 November 2018

ASEAN-India Connectivity

The following remarks were given by Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Gateway House as a speaker at the ASEAN-India Business Summit on November 27, 2018.