Andaman Courtesy: Wikipedia
26 May 2016

Andaman & Nicobar: an underutilised asset

Does India plan to remodel its Andaman & Nicobar Islands as a launching pad for future security operations to check growing Chinese inroads in the Indian Ocean Region? Development of the islands has long been ignored to India’s detriment, and their strategic position in the Indian Ocean, underutilised.

Modi IMF 2 Courtesy: IMF / Flickr
19 May 2016

India’s role in a changing global economy

India must be fully engaged in the emerging G20-led international policy agenda being developed to deal with global structural weaknesses and raise public investment where fiscal space is available. India and other emerging markets offer higher investment returns---partly because of their demographics---and their deepening international integration makes them attractive.


Modi Asean Courtesy:
12 May 2016

India’s Act East Policy so far and beyond

In two years, the Modi government’s Act East Policy has gone well beyond the focus on economic ties of its predecessor, the Look East Policy. It has made progress on many wider fronts, including connectivity and defence collaboration. India must now build on this success and further consolidate relations and trade links with ASEAN and beyond

2015_Summit_of_the_Shanghai_Cooperation_Organization_03 Courtesy: Wikipedia
29 April 2016

India in the SCO: win-win

India’s forthcoming membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will benefit the SCO, Central Asia, Russia, China, as well as India itself. While India will be able to promote its own security, strategic, trade, economic, and energy interests in Central Asia, the SCO will benefit from India's rapid growing economy and its experience in counter-terrorism.

BRICS_heads_of_state_and_government_hold_hands_ahead_of_the_2014_G-20_summit_in_Brisbane,_Australia_(Agencia_Brasil) Courtesy: Roberto Stuckert Filho / Wikipedia
28 April 2016

Whither BRICS?

Although the BRICS caravan is passing through uncertain times, its major leaders appear determined to continue the journey as doing so is in the collective interest. The world is likely to hear more - not less - about BRICS in the foreseeable future.

fc89f72798eb98bae46ed25c7c44d9ac Courtesy: GeenPeil
21 April 2016

Resolving referendum roadblocks

The recent referendum in the Netherlands on the European Union’s Association Agreement with Ukraine raises important questions about the EU’s ability to reconcile ostensibly popular national opinion with the principles of a multi-nation political union.

Happiness Index Courtesy: Buisness Insider
14 April 2016

Measuring happiness

The World Happiness Report 2016 has listed India at 118th place – the lowest rank among BRICS. While there is a strong case for holistic metrics that map actual well-being, research in happiness needs to be taken with a pinch of scepticism.

2903370723_e804987949_o Courtesy: Wikipedia
3 March 2016

WTO solar ruling: victim to victor

The WTO judgment on the India-U.S. dispute on solar panels shows how rules across different international regimes – climate change, trade and nuclear power – favor the countries which set those rules. India must deepen its participation in such multilateral fora to protect its interests.

TPP Courtesy:
3 March 2016

A fine line: TPP and India

The Trans-Pacific Partnership has dropped strong Intellectual Property Rights regulations on India’s doorstep. The implications of these regulations could affect India’s own policies, as well as her global aspirations towards the potential Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.