T20 Mumbai Photos-40 Courtesy: Gateway House
12 November 2015

Takeaways from the T20

At India’s first T20 consultation, hosted by Gateway House in Mumbai on October 19, the four working sessions were titled: ‘G20 and new inclusive business models’; ‘Trade, investment, and development’; ‘Financing sustainable infrastructure’; and ‘Technology, services, and skills’. We present an overview of these discussions, arranged in three categories for each session: Why is the issue important for the G20? What are India's concerns on the subject? What were the key issues discussed at this meeting?

reset africa strategy Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
5 November 2015

India resets Africa strategy

Changes in how India plans to approach its relationship with Africa were evident at the recent India-Africa Forum Summit, including the wider representation of African countries, and Modi’s push to forge a united front with Africa at multilateral institutions on trade and other issues. But beyond these, gaps in the India-Africa alliance remain to be addressed.

Modi Obama Wiki Courtesy: Wikipedia
21 October 2015

Building on India-U.S. meeting points

Modi’s second visit to the U.S. in September indicates a growing partnership in such areas as business, technology, and climate change. Though gaps too remain—for example, India is not part of the TPP and its bid for a UNSC seat is on hold—for now, it is time to consolidate bilateral meeting points, and India can start by simplifying its trade policy and tariff structure

Pharma Pixelbay Courtesy: Pixabay
21 October 2015

Will the TPP impact Indian pharma?

Do the TPP and the proposed India-EU trade deal extend protection of IPR, delaying generic competition for life-saving drugs and keeping their prices high? While these and other possible implications for Indian consumers and pharma companies become clearer over time, India must robustly engage with the debate on trade deals and public interest

U.S. Mission / Eric Bridiers Courtesy: Wikipedia
8 October 2015

UNSC and sanctions: a balanced role

The sanctions against Iran impacted the country’s oil, banking, aviation, and other sectors, and had a major humanitarian impact. But neither is armed attack a more suitable method in most instances to address allegedly recalcitrant states. What then is the middle ground? And can the UNSC assume a more proactive role in this context?

BRICS_summit_2015_18 Courtesy: Wikipedia
7 October 2015

New concepts for BRICS

At a recent international seminar on BRICS Studies, in addition to the predictable themes such as building a multipolar world order and the One Belt One Road project, fresh ground was also covered, including the contours of the New Development Bank and the potential impact of the refugee crisis on BRICS countries.