UN-Sicherheitsrat_-_UN_Security_Council_-_New_York_City_-_2014_01_06 Courtesy: Wikipedia
24 September 2015

The UN at 70: reform or retire?

On 14 September, a UN General Assembly resolution called for reform of the Security Council (SC). But when the world is in turmoil and alternative multilateral institutions are emerging, this may be a case of too little being done too late. It is imperative now for the SC to include India, Brazil, Germany, and Japan and adapt to a rapidly evolving world.

rupees-435450_1280 Courtesy: itkannan4u/pixabay
17 September 2015

From GST to TPP

External integration—which the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will generate—has policy implications that India must manage well and quickly. As a first step, India can introduce the GST, among other measures, in order to become a more unified domestic economy.

TTIP Courtesy: openDemocracy / Flickr
8 September 2015

India’s lurking TTIP challenge

If the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership moves ahead after further negotiations were held in July, Indian exporters could be disadvantaged. Instead, India must be ready to use the further opening up of huge markets across the Atlantic, and adopt trade policies that mix regionalism and multilateralism.

food-grain-unloading-e1392363575896 Courtesy: Bharata Bharati
3 September 2015

Why India cannot sustain its WTO stance

India, along with China, will present the case for food security protections at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Nairobi in December, where India will find it difficult to maintain its integrity as both a leader of G33 countries and a nation that has an expressed stake in the expansion of global trade. But it should stick to the G33’s Bali proposal for flexibilities for developing countries.

fiji Courtesy: Wikipedia
21 August 2015

Preparing for the Indo-Pacific century

The second Forum for India and the Pacific Islands in Jaipur on August 21 will be a historic summit that brings together the interests of India and the 14 island countries of the Pacific. It is India’s acknowledgement of the emerging strategic importance of the Pacific region, and a chance for the islands to turn this into an opportunity for growth, development, and greater security.

Cumbre1 Courtesy: Equatorial Guinea / Flickr
20 August 2015

India-Africa Summit: A milestone

The India-Africa Forum Summit in October in New Delhi will be a milestone event, with more than 50 African states and representatives from the African Union participating. It will demonstrate how Africa fits into India’s new foreign policy outlook, clarify to African countries how ‘Make in India’ impacts their economies, and will be an opportunity for both sides to renew development cooperation.

Shanghai_pudong Courtesy: Wikipedia
7 July 2015

Ideas for the NDB’s institutional design

The New Development Bank initiated by BRICS countries can reform and democratise global economic governance. But to reach this goal, in this critical period when the bank is preparing to operationalise, it must formulate an innovative institutional design. This article outlines four guiding principles for such a structure