quad fm photo mea Courtesy: Ministry Of External Affairs
24 February 2022

The Quad converges beyond China

The Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, held in Melbourne on February 11, revealed an ambitious plan for economic and developmental affairs, beyond the security concerns posed by China. Despite differing approaches towards Myanmar and Ukraine, the Quad countries are strengthening their cooperation while maintaining strategic autonomy.

Bhatia article image Courtesy: Gateway House
17 February 2022

Has global geopolitics turned multipolar?

The Quad Foreign Ministers' meeting held on February 11 is the latest example of growing geopolitical cooperation. Several loci of power have emerged, indicating the end of the post-Cold War western hegemony. China's rise and alliance with Russia hints at a bipolar tendency in this nascent global multipolarity. India must ensure power distribution in Asia by sharpening its diplomacy to achieve its own interest - true multipolarity in Asia.

Untitled design (6) Courtesy: Gateway House
10 February 2022

Panel Discussion on India in the Indo-Pacific

On 1 February 2022, Gateway House and the U.S. Embassy, New Delhi, co-hosted a panel discussion on India in the Indo-Pacific: Pursuing Prosperity and Security. The panelists explored the comprehensive role that India can play in the Indo-Pacific from the perspective of business, think tanks, academia and diplomacy.

Afghanistan Aid Courtesy: AFP
10 February 2022

Failing Afghanistan politically and humanely

While international organisations in Afghanistan have made a noticeable impact in the humanitarian field, they have been less successful in the political field, putting into question their overall effectiveness.

myanmar coup financial times Courtesy: Financial Times
3 February 2022

Myanmar’s ‘annus horribilis’

It has been a year since the democratically elected Myanmar government was overthrown in a military coup. Since then, economic instability and the pandemic have taken a toll on the nation. ASEAN's mediatory endeavours and Western sanctions have shown limited results. New Delhi's diplomacy must support ASEAN, while remaining pragmatic and protecting its interests in the country.

amb saurabh kumar Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
3 February 2022

India’s Indo-Pacific vision

Saurabh Kumar, Secretary (East), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, delivered the keynote address at the panel discussion on India in the Indo-Pacific: Pursuing Prosperity and Security, organised by Gateway House and the U.S. Embassy, New Delhi, on 1 February 2022. He outlined India's vision for a free and inclusive Indo-Pacific, and the initiatives undertaken to further cooperation among nations in the region.

myanmar india newsclick Courtesy: NewsClick
27 January 2022

National Security Conversation: India-Myanmar relations

Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla's visit to Myanmar has implications for New Delhi's recognition of the new military government in Naypyidaw. India can support ASEAN to stabilise Myanmar, while also checking Chinese influence in that country. For stability in the neighbourhood is crucial to India's own security.

Indian,Ocean,Military,Boat,Reunion,Island Courtesy: Shutterstock
20 January 2022

The Indo-Pacific opportunity in 2022

Nine great powers and a number of important multilaterals have vested interests in the Indo-Pacific. Given the U.S.-China standoff in the region, the role of new groupings like the Quad and AUKUS is significant. The time is ripe for India to use its position in the region, and convert its humanitarian duties into economic and strategic opportunities in 2022.

2021 ASEAN's new realities Courtesy: Reuters
2 November 2021

2021 ASEAN’s new realities

ASEAN summits often tend to be routine affairs with long joint communiques. But the 26th October Summit had interesting dimensions. ASEAN had to balance Indo-Pacific rivalries, suspend Myanmar from attending, and expedite trade services agreements. As it seeks to expand its global engagement, ASEAN must remember to remain an area of solace and stability for its members.