Uruguay elections_Tabarez Courtesy: Matilde Campodonico/AP
12 December 2014

Left consolidates in Latin America

The reelection of the Left in the Uruguayan election highlights a re-consolidation of the power of the Latin American Left. The pro-poor policies of the Leftist governments in much of South America have lifted millions out of poverty. The result: the creation of a middle class that has strengthened the region’s democratic stability and created more opportunities for business

edurado Courtesy:
12 November 2014

Green Party speak

The Green Party in Brazil is a small but significant presence, whose ideas of reform and conservation are gaining wider acceptance. In this interview, Eduardo Jorge, the party’s leader, discusses what BRICS represents, his views on India, and the response of governments and business to climate change

Mumbai Courtesy: wikimedia
7 November 2014

BRICS headquarters in Mumbai

Globally, metropolitan cities are becoming powerful centres that sustain entire countries. In the case of Mumbai, the government can work backwards by stitching the infrastructure and governance together. The tried-and-tested technique is to host an international institution or event. Gateway House argues that Mumbai is most appropriate to be home to the headquarters of BRICS

Correa’s Latin legacy of peace
31 October 2014

Correa’s Latin legacy of peace

Rajni Bakshi, Senior Gandhi Peace Fellow at Gateway House, was recently invited to Brazil and Colombia to speak about Gandhi, her book ‘Bazaars, Conversations and Freedom’ and her forthcoming paper on Trusteeship. She reports on the longing for non-violence in these societies and the groups working to make it real

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24 October 2014

Can cheap oil give peace a chance?

The fall in oil prices is creating new complexities for the energy exporting economies of West Asia. With smaller profits, these countries may not be able to buy off political dissent at home and fund client governments and rebels abroad. Lower energy prices could also mean a renewed chance for peace

rajni 4 Courtesy: RajniBakshi
22 October 2014

Latin longing for non-violence

Rajni Bakshi, Senior Gandhi Peace Fellow at Gateway House, was recently invited to Brazil and Colombia to speak about Gandhi, her book ‘Bazaars, Conversations and Freedom’ and her forthcoming paper on Trusteeship. She reports on the longing for non-violence in these societies and the groups working to make it real

evo m Courtesy: Alrio.com
22 October 2014

Evo Morales wins Bolivia again

The re-election of Evo Morales as Bolivia's president in the recent elections is a recognition of his success in emancipating the poor indigenous people of the country and economic management of the country. It is also an inspiration and matter of pride for the indigenous people of the whole of Latin America, as well those of the world