SouthSouthCooperation Courtesy: Research and Information System for Developing Countries
23 March 2016

South-South Cooperation: emerging challenges

Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), hosted a Conference on South-South Cooperation in New Delhi on 10-11 March, 2016. The conference, represented by about 350 delegates representing 62 countries, demonstrated both the maturity of South-South Cooperation and the creative challenges that lie ahead.

Hanle_by_Navaneeth_Unnikrishnan Courtesy: Navaneeth Unnikrishnan / Wikipedia
3 March 2016

Is India equipped for big science?

A tectonic shift is occurring in the science landscape, wherein newly-developed nations are audaciously investing in frontier scientific research at par with developed nations. India is game to join this new wave of advancement, but its research-funding mechanisms are deficient. Can Indian philanthropy endow indigenous R&D?

horizontal_logo_cop21 Courtesy:
11 December 2015

COP21 battle: from Paris to Nairobi

December 13 will bring curtains down on climate change talks at Paris, but the sharp ideological divides between rich countries and developing nations will continue to play out at World Trade Organisation’s 10th Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, beginning on December 15

COP21: “we mean business”
5 December 2015

COP21: “we mean business”

The first week of Paris climate talks came to an end on Friday 4 December, 2015. The road ahead to reach an agreement seems difficult as multinational companies have aligned themselves more with the agenda of the developed world. Is sense going to prevail in the coming week and 'differentiated nature of responsibility' find acceptance?

Indian_Space_Research_Organisation_Logo.svg Courtesy: Wikipedia
23 September 2015

Space R&D: a strategic frontier

Instead of inviting foreign corporations to India to create a manufacturing base, Modi can use his Silicon Valley experience to build a similar research and development foundation in India for indigenous high-tech companies. A strategic space megaproject could be the start of this much-needed push.

In this photo released by China's Xinhua news agency, a destroyer of the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy fire a missile during a traning in South China Sea on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007. Dozen of warships of the South China Sea Fleet were deployed in the competitive training to improve combat capability of the fleet, Xinhua said.  (AP Photo/Xinhua, Zha Chunming) Courtesy: India Strategic
16 July 2015

Military strategies collide in the Asia-Pacific

The recent re-evaluation by the US, China, Japan, and Russia of their military strategies reflects new geopolitical equations in which the Asia Pacific is a major strategic intersection. Turmoil in this region can impact India’s trade and security interests, and to avoid this India must craft a balance between its relations with all the countries involved

Security Jam 2 Courtesy: Friends of Europe
5 March 2015

Security Jam Report 2015

Gateway House was a partner with Security and Defence Agenda for Security Jam 2014, a 3-day online global conversation where issues such as cyber security, the EU’s role as a global security broker, and other global challenges were discussed by experts from around the world. The full report is now available.

India voting finger Courtesy:
24 February 2015

The quiet decline of anti-incumbency

The last 25 years of Indian democracy have shown that anti-incumbency in state elections is on the decline. This is a positive trend because continuous terms will allow political parties to look beyond single-term policies and focus on long-term development

China Long March 5 Courtesy:
16 January 2015

Is India losing the tech race to China?

Economic development and increments in scientific knowledge and technology, which in turn rest on R&D, are interconnected. India is falling behind and must allocate a greater share to R&D, while China must elevate the efficiency of its research expenditure—this focus will allow the two countries to continue to grow

facebook-map Courtesy: Karen Bleier AFP/Getty
19 December 2014

Digital diplomacy

Social media has disrupted how diplomats communicate with each other and the general public. How are diplomats using these platforms? How will future digital tools change the meaning and capabilities of digital diplomacy? Gateway House presents an educational mini-series on digital diplomacy, profiling Indian digital diplomacy, and the future trajectory of digital diplomacy.