swaraj Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs
27 June 2014

Disquiet on the eastern front

Relations between India and Bangladesh have been limping along a road paved with good intentions, but little action. Will the new government in Delhi make things better or worse for its smaller and weaker neighbour? There are concerns, but there is also optimism, that Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be the man to do business with

west asia Courtesy: Wikipedia.org
27 June 2014

Will ISIS redraw the West Asia map?

The rise of the militant ISIS will alter the stability and future of all West Asian countries, and can impact India in multiple ways. India must re-evaluate its West Asia policy, and address the safety of its nationals in Iraq, the security of its oil supplies, and the fallout on South Asia of this resurgence of strife

turkey Courtesy: Gateway House
27 June 2014

India-Pakistan bonhomie

The deliberations during a India-Pakistan young scholars’ workshop in the historic city of Istanbul held out a renewed hope for the bilateral relationship and a genuine desire for peace. The magnificent city of Istanbul offered an excellent backdrop to the serious, often heated discussions.

Kurdish struggle Courtesy: dimoqrati.info
27 June 2014

The Kurds: a historic opportunity?

Recent geopolitical shifts has given birth to the very real possibility of a fractured Iraq. The on-going civil war in Syria and an unstable Iraq has renewed the call for a Kurdish nationhood. Although presented with a historic opportunity, rebel factions and authoritarian governments still present a hurdle to the quest for an autonomous Kurdish region

iraq us Courtesy: laprensa
26 June 2014

Iraq crisis: 2003 revisited?

Over two years after American troops left Iraqi soil, the rise of the brutal ISIS is forcing a war weary U.S.to contemplate a return to the country. Amid plummeting approval ratings and divided opinions at home, President Barack Obama will have to carefully weigh the implications of a disintegrated Iraq on the U.S. and indeed, the world.

LNG_Carrier_Fuji_Lng Courtesy: Ken Hodge/Wikimedia Commons
20 June 2014

LNG imports can end the east’s exclusion

The BJP government can begin to address regional disparity, which is a drag on economic growth, by redirecting to the east and north-east some of the infrastructure and investment planned for LNG imports. This policy push, along with concessions for customers, can re-industrialise the region

bhutan1 Courtesy: MEA
18 June 2014

Gross regional happiness

Economic security needs to be defined holistically through an open and democratic discourse. A plurality of perspectives on what constitutes development is essential to democracy across the world. Grass roots protests are driven by a longing for a truly inclusive and fair model of growth.