Big_Gallery_Image_43_0 Courtesy: EmbassyofIndia,WashingtonDC
15 August 2011

Women ambassadors shine for India

The job of forging partnerships while sustaining India’s interests is done by its ambassadors –and New Delhi has the unique distinction of sending two women ambassadors in a row to the US. A study of Indian envoy Meera Shankar’s tenure, and what awaits her successor –and former foreign secretary–Nirupama Rao.

diaspora india Courtesy: Gateway House
12 August 2011

The Indian Diaspora: a new chapter in India’s story

This decade records a new trend for the Indian Diaspora: as the Indian economy registers strong growth, thousands return to India amidst growing employment and investment opportunities. But does India have the ability to effectively reintegrate them into society?

sino india article pic_0 Courtesy: PMO
5 August 2011

India-China: Look East with caution

As India's engagement with countries in China's periphery increases, fora like the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, spear-headed by China, have also cropped up. Gateway House's Madhura Joshi speaks to former Ambassador Vinod C. Khanna, to understand the Indo-Chinese paradigm and examine current policies.

Sonia_Gandhi Courtesy: Yann/WikimediaCommons
4 August 2011

Gandhi dynasty: Politics as usual

As Sonia Gandhi receives medical treatment in the U.S., foreign - and not Indian - media reported about the leader of the Congress Party. Can Indians hope that the party will have the maturity to elect one from amongst itself or will the limp Indian opposition cohere into a credible force?

Compress - Environmental Diplomacy Courtesy: Gateway House
1 August 2011

Environmental diplomacy

Gateway House’s Shloka Nath examines the causes of disagreements between India and Bangladesh, and makes recommendations to resolve them – which can lead to an intelligent management and protection of the Sunderbans.