Tehran nuclear deal Courtesy: Zuma Press
6 April 2015

The rebirth of Iran through diplomacy

The JCPA between Iran and the P5+1 countries is being welcomed positively in Iran. President Rouhani was elected in 2013 on a platform to to improve Iran's relations with the world and majority of Iranians wait anxiously for the improved socio-economic benefits that will follow

P5+1 Talks With Iran in Geneva, Switzerland Courtesy: U.S. State department/Flickr
6 April 2015

The end of the Iran nuclear journey?

With the EU, Iran, and other entities taking decisive steps on April 2 to ensure a non-nuclear Iran, President Obama must now counter interests in the U.S. that want to stymie the final agreement. But having come this far, and considering the comprehensive benefits of an agreement, all sides are sure to deliver

Al thani Courtesy: Chuck Hagel/Wikimedia Commons
31 March 2015

An upsurge of Wahabbis confront the “Sabahis”

Currently, it appears that the Wahabbis have the upper hand over the "Sabahis" in the middle east. But the war for the hearts and minds of a people as gifted as the Arabs, is far from over.

Israel-India Courtesy: Wikimedia commons
12 March 2015

India-Israel: A renewed confluence?

Israeli defence minister Moshe Ya'alon’s recent offer of defence technology for Prime Minister Modi’s Make in India initiative may signal expanding bilateral relations, and it is an opportune moment for the two countries to consolidate long-term common ground in areas such as counter-intelligence and naval cooperation

AAP victory_2 Courtesy: rediff.com
13 February 2015

AAP, Occupy and the Arab Spring

There is an emerging consensus among scholars and political analysts across the world that the 20th century advances in building democratic systems have run their course. It is in this context that AAP’s rapid rise to power might serve as a light-house of global significance—a beacon that guides others seeking to take democracy to a higher level and warns of treacherous rocks

Saudi Arabia_King Salman Courtesy: sodere.com
5 February 2015

Prioritising Saudi Arabia

The last ten years had signalled the Saudi intention of building closer relations with India based on their immense crude oil resources and India’s growing market and skill sets. With a new king on the throne and the on-going turmoil in West Asia it is in New Delhi’s interest to initiate high-level visits with Riyadh as soon as possible

Petrol Pump_delhi Courtesy: http://photodivision.gov.in/
4 December 2014

Why oil won’t worry India in 2015

Last week, petroleum prices reached a five-year low, and the fall is likely to last as new production and alternative sources enter the market. India, which has a huge petroleum products bill, now has a chance to shock-proof its economy, diversify dependence away from West Asia, and become energy-efficient

lng Courtesy: wikimedia
24 October 2014

Can cheap oil give peace a chance?

The fall in oil prices is creating new complexities for the energy exporting economies of West Asia. With smaller profits, these countries may not be able to buy off political dissent at home and fund client governments and rebels abroad. Lower energy prices could also mean a renewed chance for peace

Online debate: From Tahrir Square to Hong Kong
14 October 2014

Online debate: From Tahrir Square to Hong Kong

The Hong Kong student protests have brought back memories of the youth uprisings in West Asia. Gateway House debates the differences and similarities of these movements that have so dramatically changed our world – and more is yet to come. From Tahrir Square in Egypt to Hong Kong, social media has been the driver for change