bhutan1 Courtesy: MEA
18 June 2014

Gross regional happiness

Economic security needs to be defined holistically through an open and democratic discourse. A plurality of perspectives on what constitutes development is essential to democracy across the world. Grass roots protests are driven by a longing for a truly inclusive and fair model of growth.

ED Courtesy:
13 June 2014

Marketplace sarvodayanomics

Sarvodaya is market economics, with a soul. There are different means towards achieving this end, but the evangelists need to come up common mantra and thwart vested interests from benefiting a few

Shanghai Forum 2_210x140 Courtesy: Akshay Mathur
2 June 2014

Shanghai Forum: reflections

Shanghai Forum has emerged as a leading platform for discussing geopolitics in Asia. This year’s forum focused on the impact of rising geopolitical tensions in Asia and the need for Asian countries to develop creative approaches to economic development in the wake of the western financial crisis

Paradigm change in Pakistan
30 May 2014

Paradigm change in Pakistan

The newly elected Modi government in India must acknowledge the paradigm change in internal Pakistani politics, and pursue normalization in ties, through an innovative approach.

SAARC Courtesy: Kotakkalnet/Flickr
27 May 2014

Hopes for a South Asia union

The South Asian region is one of the least integrated in terms of trade and human interaction. The presence of SAARC leaders at the swearing-in ceremony of the new government heralds a step towards removing barriers and integrating the economies of this region