Nina-no wIKIMEDIA Courtesy: NinaAldinThune/Wikimedia
7 February 2011

March of Follies in Egypt

There are more than Western interests at play in Egypt. The other catalysts for the unrest are a combination of Iranian adventures, hypocritical policies of West Asian regimes and resurgent commodity speculation in western markets, triggering a rise in prices of basic items in emerging markets

Chuck Kennedy wh_210x140 Courtesy: ChuckKennedy/WhiteHouse
18 January 2011

Hu Jintao in Washington

Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the US comes at a time when the geopolitical situation in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region is fluid - consequent to the US deciding to re-energise relations with countries in the region - and when Sino-US relations have been under some strain.

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14 December 2010

India-China: Prioritizing economics

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to New Delhi has the potential to mitigate sixty years worth of distrust between two of the world’s most populous countries and truly improve bilateral relations. What is stopping the two Asian giants from cooperating?

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1 September 2010

Not Ready for Prime Time

The world’s leading international institutions may be outmoded, but Brazil, China, India, and South Africa are not ready to join the helm. Their shaky commitment to democracy, human rights, nuclear nonproliferation, and environmental protection would only weaken the international system’s core values.

china implications Courtesy: Zimbio
30 July 2010

Rising China: Implications for India

China has now clearly emerged as a major world power and India needs to seriously think about how it will engage its neighbour over the twenty-first century. The future of the Sino-Indian relationship will be both competitive and collaborative as the same time.