the telegraph Courtesy: The Telegraph
20 April 2017

Will the French voter veer right?

Extreme right candidate, Marine Le Pen, and Emmanuel Macron, a centrist, will figure in the first round of presidential elections in France on April 23. In a country that has always voted either Republican or Socialist, a departure to the far right will have an impact the markets and many implications for Europe

g20 baden baden Courtesy: The Telegraph
4 April 2017

Dark clouds over free trade in G20

President Trump’s “America First” rhetoric has eroded support for the commitments that leaders made at previous G20 summits regarding trade: rejecting protectionism and strengthening the multilateral trading system. What implications does this have for global trade? Will the more moderate voices in the administration get heard?

European_flags_at_European_Commission_HQ_Brussels_thumb800 Courtesy: Computer World UK
23 March 2017

EU: unity not a value anymore?

Britain will begin its formal exit process from the European Union on March 29. Signs that the European Union will survive are clear: public opinion is turning finally in its favour. The European economy has resumed creating jobs, and the unemployment rate, although still high, is steadily declining. Yet, what remains of the project is likely to have a different animus

CFo1ubfUgAAzxei Courtesy: Consulate General of France in Mumbai
16 March 2017

More than a whiff of France in Bombay

All eyes are on the outcome of the French elections next month with its portents of a far right president being the people’s choice. But it was 200 years ago that Bombay forged its French connection. Trade with France ushered in cultural influences while the city’s early nationalists were drawn to the French Revolution’s political philosophy of ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’

3W7A1058 Courtesy: Gateway House
14 February 2017

India-Thales: Transfer of technology and developing supply chains

In Alexis Dalem's interview he discusses areas on which Thales and India have collaborated in the past and can collaborate in the future, in the defense, security and aerospace spheres, and under the Make in India policy. He laid emphasis on Thales's policy of willingness for technology transfer and production in India and their ambition to co-develop products and export from India, since they have a strong belief in India's industrial competitiveness and skilled workforce. He further applauds Modi's recent FDI changes in India as it allows for this technology transfer, enables Thales to retain a certain level of control in their subsidiaries in India and creates an investment positive business environment.

3W7A1029 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 February 2017

GOIGD 2017: Inaugural Keynote I by Yves Leterme

His Excellency Yves Leterme, Former Prime Minister of Belgium, Secretary General, International IDEA delivered the Inaugural Keynote I on Europe at the Crossroads at 2017 T20 Mumbai meeting hosted by Gateway House on 13 February. Leterme's speech effectively explains the changing politics of global capital with the rise of new economies with respect to Europe and it's position in the world today.

Reversal of Globalisation2 Courtesy: Systemic Alternatives
8 February 2017

Is globalisation in reverse?

The contours of globalisation are being reshaped. The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump mark a strong anti-globalisation sentiment even as leaders in China, India and Russia successfully marry nationalist rhetoric with a cleverly crafted overseas strategy, premised on the very tenets of globalisation. There seems to be a ‘pause’ in the unbalanced progress of globalisation of the last three decades—and this could have many positive outcomes

SLQ Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
19 December 2016

LNG strategies for the EU and India

India’s gas consumption is lower than the EU’s, but it too, like the EU, relies heavily on imports. With LNG likely to remain a key part of India’s gas supplies in the future, and given recent changes in the global market, what is the future potential of LNG imports for the EU and India? What are the best energy policies for the two regions?