2c33 Courtesy: ISRO
2 June 2016

Prospects and necessities from RLV-TD

The Indian Space Programme has a mandate to focus on its launch- and earth-oriented capabilities. In the past decade, it has attempted some non-conventional experimental projects under the labels “‘low-cost” and “technology demonstrator”. However the effect of these experimental space projects on India’s techno-economic growth will be realised only if the central government gives the project greater status and funding.

TPP Courtesy: ustr.gov
3 March 2016

A fine line: TPP and India

The Trans-Pacific Partnership has dropped strong Intellectual Property Rights regulations on India’s doorstep. The implications of these regulations could affect India’s own policies, as well as her global aspirations towards the potential Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

Hanle_by_Navaneeth_Unnikrishnan Courtesy: Navaneeth Unnikrishnan / Wikipedia
3 March 2016

Is India equipped for big science?

A tectonic shift is occurring in the science landscape, wherein newly-developed nations are audaciously investing in frontier scientific research at par with developed nations. India is game to join this new wave of advancement, but its research-funding mechanisms are deficient. Can Indian philanthropy endow indigenous R&D?

IAFS MEA Courtesy: MEA
5 November 2015

Can India allay Africa’s IPR fears?

The U.S. is urging India to alter its IPR regime, and the potential impact on prices in the pharmaceuticals sector is of concern to African countries that depend on India for low-cost generic medicines. The recent India-Africa Forum Summit in New Delhi sought to address this issue, but it will be a challenge for India to balance competing pressures.

Backlit keyboard Courtesy: Wikipedia
21 October 2015

U.S.-China: no more spy games?

The recent U.S. and China agreement to contain cyber espionage will not only impact their bilateral relationship, it will also create norms in international cyberspace. But implementation remains a challenge, and businesses, including in India, that have faced cyber threats must proactively plug their vulnerabilities

Pharma Pixelbay Courtesy: Pixabay
21 October 2015

Will the TPP impact Indian pharma?

Do the TPP and the proposed India-EU trade deal extend protection of IPR, delaying generic competition for life-saving drugs and keeping their prices high? While these and other possible implications for Indian consumers and pharma companies become clearer over time, India must robustly engage with the debate on trade deals and public interest

Tumisu_Pixabay Courtesy: Tumisu/Pixabay
24 September 2015

Innovation bridge: Silicon Valley to India

Sharad Sharma, co-founder, iSpirt, talks about Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the Silicon Valley on September 27. In an in interview to Gateway House, he outlines the steps that would make Modi’s visit a success for Digital India campaign and other key issues.

Indian_Space_Research_Organisation_Logo.svg Courtesy: Wikipedia
23 September 2015

Space R&D: a strategic frontier

Instead of inviting foreign corporations to India to create a manufacturing base, Modi can use his Silicon Valley experience to build a similar research and development foundation in India for indigenous high-tech companies. A strategic space megaproject could be the start of this much-needed push.