jai shankar n ursula Courtesy: Twitter - Dr. S. Jaishankar
27 April 2022

The EU pivots to India

The EU has been working on an India engagement for two decades now – a strategic partnership and a free trade engagement. It is finally being realised – the outcome of the visit of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to Delhi this month. The upgraded, ambitious partnership Europe’s long overdue pivot to India.

india aus cyber coop Courtesy: Australian High Commission
27 April 2022

India-Australia calibrate cyber cooperation

New global economic, military and political alliances are taking shape, and call for like-minded nations to calibrate their strategic, long term interests. The new India-Australia economic trade agreement is reflective of this. It also folds in a critical element: wide cooperation in cyber security, which now impacts the economy, democratic institutions and warfare. India has much to learn from Australia’s low key but smart cyber expertise.

virgin spaceport Courtesy: UAE Space Agency
18 November 2021

UAE: Aerotropolis to Astropolis

After successfully developing Dubai and Abu Dhabi as aerotropoli or cities around an aviation hub the United Arab Emirates aims to become an astropolis, a hub of space tourism and human spaceflight. There is ample scope for UAE to cooperate on this with India, which is also its comprehensive strategic partner.

Pakistan is India's new cybersecurity headache Courtesy: Technology Times
11 November 2021

Pakistan is India’s new cybersecurity headache

Cyberattacks from Pakistan-based hacker groups targeting India have increased. The stepped-up cyber activity comes in the backdrop of Islamabad's new cyber security policy and expanded digital cooperation with China. India must bolster its existing abilities in cyber forensics and regulations to counter the enhanced Pakistani threat.

The Bay of Bengal: The next battle Courtesy: Shutterstock
28 October 2021

Bay of Bengal: Building tech connectivity

The Bay of Bengal is a natural bridge between South and South-East Asia, which New Delhi seeks to optimise. But progress on India's Act East policy has been slow, creating a space for China's Belt and Road Initiative to step into. While India cannot match China’s cheque-book diplomacy, it can use its start-up industry to pursue a combination of physical, technological and financial projects to improve regional connectivity.

QiO_Logos_RGB-1-02_WHITE-2 Courtesy: QiO Technologies
29 July 2021

QiO: Answering questions inside outcomes

UK-Pune based QiO Technologies is an industrial software analytics company that focuses on digital transformation. QiO differentiated itself by complying with and certifying its products with European GDPR standards, creating trust and a wider client-base. It offers a unique subscription plan based on investment returns, making it an attractive option for manufacturing MSMEs.

Altizon-Launches-Datonis-BI-for- Courtesy: www.aithority.com
22 July 2021

Altizon: Niche industrial IoT

Altizon’s product uses machine data to help better business decision-making for its overseas manufacturing customer base. It particularly improves productivity, power and utilities consumption and predictive maintenance. Altizon is now in the prestigious Gartner Magic Quadrant, one of only 16 globally-recognised niche players for Industrial IoT platforms. It is getting attention from Indian SMEs.

BITS Pilani Courtesy: BITS Pilani
15 July 2021

BITS Pilani: Preparing for the new digital era

In June 2019, BITS Pilani became the first academic institution, globally, to offer a Master’s programme in Digital Manufacturing. The programme, currently open only to working professionals, focuses on developing an expertise in the manufacturing of the future including Industrial IoT, additive manufacturing, big data analytics, industrial cybersecurity, and logistics and supply chain optimisation. The ongoing pandemic has exponentially increased digital adoption, increasing the demand for the study of digital manufacturing within corporate India.

sanctions and counter-sanctions Courtesy: Shutterstock
15 July 2021

Sanctions and counter-sanctions

For years, Western countries have used sanctions as a means of economic warfare against their adversaries. Now, China and Russia are utilising the same tactic against the West. The United Nations Security Council is paralysed by differences between the five permanent members, leaving the tools of unilateral sanctions and counter-sanctions to proliferate at the cost of UN-approved multilateral sanctions.