Mainimage(2) Courtesy: Gateway House
4 July 2019

Decoding data localisation

Data localisation, or the practice of physically storing data on servers located within a country, has become a subject of robust debate after India introduced data localisation provisions in its domestic laws. India’s position is not unique; China and Russia too have similar laws. It has pitted countries against each other. This Gateway House primer explains the complexities of data localisation and its elements

Bilateral Courtesy: Gateway House
24 May 2019

A case for balanced BITs

The Bilateral Investment Treaty has been losing favour as a dispute resolution mechanism since the recession of 2008. India has terminated several BITs after receiving an unfavourable award in a 2012 case. These terminations have created uncertainty regarding existing foreign investments and are not the answer to disputes. A balance is needed, especially for emerging markets, which must protect against claims whilst ensuring confidence in business. The analysis below provides some options

e comm Courtesy: Medium
4 April 2019

A critique of India’s Draft National e-Commerce Policy

The Draft Policy, issued by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade in February, is a welcome step for India and globally, but its all-inclusive definition of a fast, click-and-buy world requires some refining: is it intended to be an internet policy or a specific e-Commerce policy?

Digital Economy Courtesy: UNCTAD
27 January 2019

Why cyber security should be a G20 priority

The G20, which constitutes leading digital and industrial powers, has failed to pay enough attention to cyber security, particularly the security of critical financial infrastructure. In a rapidly digitising world, this is the right time for a G20 framework that will help ensure the cyber safety of banks, stock markets and payment systems.

global-commons-870_0 Courtesy: Global Environment Facility
15 August 2018

India in the Global Commons

Since Independence, India has been consumed by its domestic priorities. Now, with increasing integration with the world and a huge stake in global stability, it is time to focus on the global commons. India has a seat on the hightable to design and shape the rules for the governance of the global commons. In this special Independence Day Briefing, Gateway House examines India’s engagement with four global commons – technology, outer space, cyber and the oceans – and makes recommendations on how best they can be governed for our collective future.

Big Data - 6 Courtesy: PC Magazine
2 August 2018

Governance in the age of AI

A massive technological revolution is in the offing in the next 20 years, with its maximum impact being on the future of work. Artificial Intelligence and robotics will change how the labour market operates and governments will have to review ethical standards for emerging technologies. India can show the way in creating inclusive economic growth

US Space Force Courtesy: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force
19 July 2018

U.S. Space Force: reconfiguring military for space

Washington is planning to integrate its military space operations. Each arm of the United States Armed Forces has had a space command until now but uniting these discrete units into a new Space Force is a step ahead. The U.S.’ big-picture ambition is ‘full spectrum battle-space dominance’ and the contest to achieve it has implications for the defence and space industry

altcoin-currency-etherum-or-bitcoin-730574 Courtesy: Pexels
12 July 2018

Regulating Crypto Assets

On the face of it, these digital or virtual currencies seem to be a brave new way to transact business or make an investment, but they also have inherent risks. A T20 proposal is seeking that the G20 devise a regulatory framework that places them on a level playing field with other financial instruments

Central_beijing Courtesy: Wikipedia
5 April 2018

A tech upgrade for India-China relations

Chinese technology companies that are steadily establishing themselves in India have the potential to transform the scenario for entrepreneurs, consumers and governments even in the face of geopolitical tensions. The Indian government should view this development as an opportunity and an asset

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21 July 2016

UNCLOS, undone by China?

China's refusal to accept the ruling of The Hague greatly harms its international reputation and will fuel regional concerns about China's rise. Nationalist sentiments stirred up by a sustained media campaign heighten the risk of a confrontation, but there is also a possibility for the Philippines to use its new leverage to its advantage through new negotiations.