IS_2 Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
19 December 2014

2014: brutality intensified

This year has seen a disturbing increase in brutal violence by terrorist groups across the world—the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria and the Tehreek-e-Taliban in Pakistan. With non-traditional terror targets like Belgium, Canada and Australia also being attacked this year, 2015 could see a more lethal spread of jihadist terror

china check or mate v3 Courtesy: Make in India & Wikimedia commons
19 December 2014

India 2015: China’s check or mate?

From the Indian perspective, how China manages the readjustment of its economy and how secure South Asia remains, will be two major determinants that will influence world affairs in 2015. Gateway House has developed four scenarios to explain the outcomes that will ensue, starting 2015, when these two determinants intersect.

Fidel Castro with Nixon Courtesy: Getty Images
19 December 2014

Cuba: end of isolation

The U.S. has finally ended its outdated policy of isolating Cuba. It is a triumph for the proud and courageous Cubans who have withstood so many overt and covert destabilisation attempts by the U.S. It is also a victory for Latin America which has opposed the U.S. embargo and advocated normalization of relations with Cuba

Uruguay elections_Tabarez Courtesy: Matilde Campodonico/AP
12 December 2014

Left consolidates in Latin America

The reelection of the Left in the Uruguayan election highlights a re-consolidation of the power of the Latin American Left. The pro-poor policies of the Leftist governments in much of South America have lifted millions out of poverty. The result: the creation of a middle class that has strengthened the region’s democratic stability and created more opportunities for business

Carter_final Courtesy:
11 December 2014

Ashton Carter knows India well

Chuck Hagel’s unremarkable stint as the U.S. Defence Secretary should soon be forgotten if Ashton Carter’s nomination is confirmed. Even though Carter’s nomination bodes well for the India-U.S. bilateral due to his work on furthering the defence partnership he will be faced with more immediate concerns and the onus will then be on India to strategically enhance the relationship

Taiwan-China-Flag Courtesy: aiaworldwide
11 December 2014

Taiwan’s centrality in Asian geopolitics

Internal power struggles within the Chinese CCP has allowed the People's Liberation Army a greater role in setting China's foreign policy. This has significant implications for the region because the status quo between China and Taiwan needs to be maintained to ensure stability in Asia and to avoid of future conflicts.

Petrol Pump_delhi Courtesy:
4 December 2014

Why oil won’t worry India in 2015

Last week, petroleum prices reached a five-year low, and the fall is likely to last as new production and alternative sources enter the market. India, which has a huge petroleum products bill, now has a chance to shock-proof its economy, diversify dependence away from West Asia, and become energy-efficient