Modi Asean Courtesy:
12 May 2016

India’s Act East Policy so far and beyond

In two years, the Modi government’s Act East Policy has gone well beyond the focus on economic ties of its predecessor, the Look East Policy. It has made progress on many wider fronts, including connectivity and defence collaboration. India must now build on this success and further consolidate relations and trade links with ASEAN and beyond

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi presenting a reproduction of a map of the island of Singapore dating back to 1849 to the Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, in Istana, Singapore on November 24, 2015. Courtesy: Wikimedia
19 April 2016

Defining & deepening India-Singapore partnership

India and Singapore elevated their ever deepening relationship to a strategic partnership last year. The two countries laid out an ambitious roadmap for expansion and diversification of bilateral ties. What drives this multi-layered bilateral relationship?

TPP Courtesy:
3 March 2016

A fine line: TPP and India

The Trans-Pacific Partnership has dropped strong Intellectual Property Rights regulations on India’s doorstep. The implications of these regulations could affect India’s own policies, as well as her global aspirations towards the potential Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

TPP Courtesy:
26 November 2015

TPP & ISDS: new tests for India

The U.S.-driven Trans Pacific Partnership agreement between 12 countries, which is aiming to become the new standard of world trade, impacts domestic systems globally. For India, it will skew investment and intellectual property rights, and especially the debate over the Investor State Dispute System which allows companies to challenge sovereign rights and public policy.

Remise_du_Prix_Sakharov_à_Aung_San_Suu_Kyi_Strasbourg_22_octobre_2013-04 Courtesy: Claude TRUONG-NGOC
13 November 2015

Myanmar after elections: what next?

The elections in Myanmar finally come to a close with Suu Kyi-led NLD’s landslide victory. The military establishment has accepted defeat. Suu Kyi, who can't be the president, has made it clear that she would be 'above the president'. How should India read Myanmar now and act to safeguard its interests?

India Myanmar Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
3 November 2015

Myanmar votes: why it matters

Myanmar is making a transition towards democracy with an election on 8 November, 2015. The elections are expected to be free, if not completely fair. Countries, including China and India are watching the elections keenly with a hope that they will provide for a stable and strong government.