BIMSTEC Courtesy: Google Earth
20 October 2016

BRICS/BIMSTEC’s maritime portents

The recent BRICS summit and BIMSTEC outreach highlighted some laudable maritime endeavours linking geographically distant, emerging economies within the grouping. The BIMSTEC platform is also crucial to India's efforts to create a peaceful Bay of Bengal community through economic and cultural linkages.

Barack-Obama-Nawaz-Sharif Courtesy: Wikipedia
10 October 2016

U.S.-Pakistan: still cosy after Uri

There has been a strengthening in the India-U.S. bilateral, which reached new heights with the signing of the LEMOA agreement in August, 2016. However, this strengthened bilateral has not resulted in a strong response to Pakistan by the U.S. Government.

GH_EcoSummit-4x6 Courtesy: Gateway House
6 October 2016

BRICS: expectations from the Goa Summit

The 8th BRICS summit in Goa comes in the midst of major geopolitical events; Brexit, the U.S. elections, the South China Sea dispute, and the terror attacks in Uri. There is much need for BRICS to demonstrate to the world, its capability to manage internal differences and showcase a collective sense of cooperation

farc peace Courtesy: Cubasi
25 September 2016

Colombia and FARC: peace at last?

The Colombian government will sign a final and comprehensive peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces, a national guerrilla movement, on September 26. This is momentous, bringing to a close an insurgency that has inflicted widespread bloodshed and displacement. But making reparation may take an unpredictable course

INS_Vikramaditya_in_Baltic_Sea Courtesy: Wikipedia
6 September 2016

India’s ocean strategy crystallises

India's policy towards the Indian Ocean has begun to take a clear, coherent form with the signing of the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement with the United States, an important bilateral visit to Vietnam by Prime Minister Modi, and an ambitious future being laid out by Foreign Secretary Jaishankar

GST pic1 Courtesy: Reuters
11 August 2016

Key GST lessons from the world

The long march to implement the long-awaited Good and Services Tax in India has just begun. It is instructive to understand how other countries introduced this tax and cherry-pick lessons from their experiences

Tokat_darbe_karşıtları Courtesy: Wikipedia
27 July 2016

The beginning of the end for Erdogan

The attempted coup on July 15 in Turkey as well as its aftermath have irreparably dented President Erdogan’s international image and impacted Turkey's standing as a democratic state, a military power, a NATO member, an EU aspirant, and an emerging economy. This downtrend is unlikely to be reversed in the near future and the country is in for an extended period of instability

bank-getty-images-harold-cunningham Courtesy: Quartz
27 July 2016

Imperatives of regulatory diplomacy

Regulations are the new focus of economic statecraft. Their increasing importance is reflected in the negotiations on global financial standards, plurilateral trading rules, and regional economic unions.

484379-donald-trump-rnc-pti-3-resized Courtesy: PTI
25 July 2016

Is it Trump’s Party now?

The victory of Donald Trump in becoming the presidential nominee for the Republican Party is a significant moment in American history. However, the cause for common unity in the GOP is associated with a hatred towards Hillary Clinton, not support for Donald Trump. Controversies like the recent WikiLeaks of Democrat Party emails are sure to increase in the road to November, making it a rocky and treacherous one.