malabar-2 Courtesy: PTI
3 August 2017

Malabar 2017’s geostrategic dimensions

The historical evolution of the Malabar Exercise and the currently fraught relations between the participating countries and China created a much sharper context for the event, with the Chinese evincing a heightened interest in it

India Vietnam relations Courtesy: Narendra Modi Official/ Flickr
24 July 2017

India, Vietnam tied by strategic trust

Vietnam has the highest level of bilateral relationship—or ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’—with three countries: China, Russia and India. It envisages a much more active role in the region for India, but many factors mar such a development currently

india-china-pti-story_647_070317030105 Courtesy: India Today
21 July 2017

Doklam: India-China cold front to continue

The origin of current India-China hostilities in Bhutan harks back to a colonial era agreement framed in 1890 between the British and the Qing empire on issues related to Tibet and Sikkim. The present standoff is an occasion to revisit many aspects of a relationship that has shown perennial strain

Deep Sea expedition China Courtesy: China Daily
6 July 2017

China’s underwater defence strategy

The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has been steadily building its underwater infrastructure since the 1980s to undertake energy-efficient, long-range and dual-purpose reconnaissance and exploration missions. While the Indian Navy’s superiority is unquestionable, New Delhi should provide it the crucial futuristic paraphernalia

18954814573_2507b30c25_k Courtesy: MEA/Flickr
6 June 2017

A Modi-Sharif meet likely in Astana?

The 17th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is being held in Astana this week at which Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif will be present. But no meeting is likely to take place between them--and even if it does, it will not advance peace between the two countries

18 May 2017

Pakistan: riding high

The Indian government must be commended for staying away from the Belt & Road Forum in Beijing this week on the basis of principled objections. However, the forum has robust global participation – 30 heads of state attended the meeting, as did the chiefs of the UN, World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). India was the only country in the world that was invited, but refused to participate