brics Courtesy: wikimedia/commons
4 July 2014

Mandate for BRICS Bank

Brazil is all set to host the 6th BRICS Summit from July 15. In light of the fact that most developing nations have concerns over the pro-western bent of the World Bank and the IMF, the BRICS initiative of setting up of a Development Bank needs to gain momentum and the nations should finalise the mandate on a priority basis

Protester with Soldier_Ukraine 3_210x140 Courtesy: Sasha Maksymenko/Flickr
16 June 2014

A divided Ukraine dividing Europe

As the dispute over Ukraine unravels, geopolitical currents surge in the shadow of historic Cold War narratives. Nonetheless, several EU member states have placed their individual, economic imperatives above the larger agenda of the Union, showing that the core of crisis is economic, rather than political

GlobSec_2 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 June 2014

Bratislava reflections

GLOBSEC, the Bratislava Global Security forum is central and eastern Europe’s premier security forum. While this year’s edition focused on the crisis in Ukraine, a lack of balanced – or even representative – discourse painted a very bleak picture of Russia and its president

election symbols_Ballot box Courtesy: Rama/Wikimedia Commons
22 April 2014

50 elections in 2014: a year of democracy

The year 2014 will witness elections in some of the biggest countries including India, Brazil and Indonesia. Like in India, the participation of youth voters is likely to be an important determinant in the outcome of the elections. Gateway House examines the presence of issues common to India and the major countries going to the polls in early 2014

southblock Courtesy: rajkumari1220/Flickr
18 April 2014

Circles & Corridors of Economic Diplomacy

India’s political and economic future will be determined over the next few weeks. Gateway House recommends a priority diplomacy agenda for the next government – one which puts economics at the heart of our foreign policy

Credit Rating Agencies Courtesy: Jeremy Edmunds/Flickr
20 March 2014

A new house for sovereign ratings

Efforts to reform credit rating agencies after the 2008 financial crisis have failed to address concerns about their ability to assess a nation’s financial status. Issues like private interests and a disregard for the diversity of development models have made it imperative to think of a new multilateral agency