wagah border 2 rwoan flickr Courtesy: rwoan/Flickr
10 May 2013

Pakistan’s potential as trade and transit partner

Pakistan’s national elections will take place in the backdrop of a troubled economy, severe energy crisis, and frequent terrorist attacks. Can these problems be solved if the next leadership agrees to open its territories for trade and transit purposes between India and Afghanistan?

zardari 3 Courtesy: Kremlin
10 May 2013

Closing remarks: The civil-military equation favours the civilians

In the closing remarks of the online debate, titled ‘The civil-military equation in Pakistan,’ Daniel Markey concludes that the question for civilian leaders is not whether they can stave off military rule, but if they can find a way to put their country on a better path for the future.

zardari UK PMO Courtesy: UK Prime Minister's Office
9 May 2013

Rebuttal: The civil-military equation favours the civilians

In the second round of the online debate, titled ‘The civil-military equation in Pakistan,’ Daniel Markey argues that although the power equation may not have titled completely in favour of the civilian government, today, the military’s influence in administrative affairs isn’t as strong as it previously was.

pak flag Courtesy: Benchill/WikimediaCommons
8 May 2013

Pakistan elections: Tweedledum & Tweedledee

The national election in Pakistan looks like a game of polarisation, but if democracy is meant to provide some relief and prosperity, all political parties have flopped, bottom up. The field is now wide open, and anything can happen - including a hung parliament.

Asif_Ali_Zardari Courtesy: Eric Draper/WikimediaCommons
6 May 2013

Opening remarks: The civil-military equation favours the civilians

With Pakistan geared for a defining general election scheduled for May 11, Council on Foreign Relations' Daniel Markey, in a debate, titled ‘The civil-military equation in Pakistan has begun to tilt in favour of civilians,’ argues for the motion.

kayani zardari Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
6 May 2013

Online debate: The civil-military equation in Pakistan

In the run-up to the Pakistan elections on May 11, Gateway House hosts an online debate between Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, and Daniel Markey, Senior Fellow, South Asia, Council on Foreign Relations. The motion: The civil-military equation in Pakistan has begun to tilt in favour of civilians.

India-Pakistan Business first Courtesy: WikimediaCommons/Flickr
5 April 2013

India-Pakistan: Business first

The road to reconciliation between India and Pakistan is likely to be a long and treacherous one. But perhaps economic compulsions can overtake political ones. That is the hope in Karachi, whose business community has started to make its journey across the border to India.

WikimediaCommons Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
20 March 2013

Vote on Sri Lanka: Vote on UPA

New Delhi has taken some opportunistic actions, such as its vote against Sri Lanka in the UN Human Rights Council, to pacify internal political demands. But these extract a price in the international arena. Should we anticipate a further decline in India’s regional and international credibility?

Rajiv Ashrafi/Flickr Courtesy: Rajiv Ashrafi/Flickr
8 March 2013

Exorcising the ghosts of the subcontinent

The youth of Bangladesh, a generation born well after 1971, are now demanding long overdue accountability, secularism, and neighbourly friendship. If the movement is successful, Bangladesh will have shown all South Asian countries that to transcend the past it is necessary to be transparent and secular.

Election Commission of Pakistan Courtesy: Election Commission of Pakistan
22 February 2013

A herculean task for Pakistan’s CEC

Pakistan’s Chief Election Commissioner, Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim, faces a host of challenges as he oversees the transition of the country’s first civilian government to complete its full five-year term. Will he be able to overcome the hurdles and ensure the free and fair polls Pakistan has so far been deprived of?