Nina-no wIKIMEDIA Courtesy: NinaAldinThune/Wikimedia
7 February 2011

March of Follies in Egypt

There are more than Western interests at play in Egypt. The other catalysts for the unrest are a combination of Iranian adventures, hypocritical policies of West Asian regimes and resurgent commodity speculation in western markets, triggering a rise in prices of basic items in emerging markets

Salmaan Taseer Flickr_210x140 Courtesy: SalmaanTaseer/Flickr
12 January 2011

Pakistan: At the edge of the abyss

The murder of Salman Taseer , the liberal-minded Governor of Pakistani Punjab, augurs grimly for the country. With the government mired in political turmoil, intelligentsia silenced and religious extremists integrating with the security forces, Pakistan is a state teetering on the brink of collapse.

Frances Voon_3x2 Courtesy: Frances Voon/Flickr
7 October 2010

Environmental diplomacy

The Sundarbans, one of world’s most endangered eco-systems, sits on the sensitive border between India and Bangladesh, and the issues that surround it have the potential to either advance or regress the relationship between the two neighbours