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6 July 2016

Terrorism in Bangladesh

The recent terror attacks in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, turned the spotlight on the country’s increasingly violent and volatile political situation. The interplay of deep political divisions, the rise of radicalised student politics, religious extremism, which the government has failed to rein in, and the spread of trans-national terror networks has created a toxic cocktail in Bangladesh with dangerous implications for India.

Pranab Mukherjee meeting the President of the Republic of Ghana_122907 Courtesy: The First Mail
30 June 2016

A new trajectory for India-Africa ties

India now sees Africa as a promising market for Indian goods, services, and investments. This is evident in the government’s recent concerted focus on the India-Africa relationship—high profile visits by top leaders to African countries, a recasting of India’s development diplomacy, and an attempt to match action to past promises

1023-modi-cameron-mea Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
30 June 2016

The dislocations of Brexit: can India gain?

The result of the Brexit referendum is nothing less than a body blow to Bretton Woods organisations, International Monetary Fund-North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)-World Bank, that originated at the end of the Second World War. The possibility of an Asian century becomes more feasible, if India can be nimble enough to make the most of the opportunity which has presented itself in Europe.

screenshot Modi US Congress Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
23 June 2016

India-U.S.: not yet a priority partner

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's fourth visit to the United States has been met with hails of success and with comments of 'too little, too late'. While Modi's friendship with President Obama is often credited for improving bilateral relations, the U.S. leader is currently nearing the end of his term. The new President will have their own geopolitical demands, which will invariably result in India being relegated to a second-term priority.

Union_Jack_and_the_european_flag Courtesy: Wikipedia
19 June 2016

What does Brexit mean for India?

On June 23, the United Kingdom will vote on whether they wish to remain a part of the European Union through the Brexit vote. The debate surrounding the vote has spurred many a heated and emotional debate. While the Indian government has not declared anything publicly - remaining in the EU would be beneficial to Indian businesses.

art pic Courtesy: Telegraph India
9 June 2016

Indian embassies: custodians of cultural heritage

This week, Australia returned 29 antiquities stolen from India. It highlights India’s quest to reclaim its heritage and the patronage provided by Indian ministries and the public sector to art. The MEA is a rare custodian of India's cultural heritage. Its Objects d'art committee selects the best Indian art and craft for its embassies, with choices dictated by the many ideas of India and by emotional responses.

Agriculture_and_rural_farms_of_India Courtesy: Rajarshi Mitra / Wikimedia
8 June 2016

A new era for Indian agriculture

This year’s union budget indicates a seismic shift in Indian Government thinking on agriculture, viewing it as not just as a ‘survival’ industry, but as one that generates income and growth. But to take Indian agriculture out of the time warp it is in currently, the government must entice increased engagement from the private sector.

IMG_2283 Courtesy: Manjeet Kripalani
2 June 2016

The sanctioned, sleeping beauties awake

The crippling effect of American sanctions are thorough; designed to strangle economies and bring entire nations to a halt. However, they unknowingly pull people together, imparting a deep sense of patriotism and often sparking innovation which can quickly surpass any other world power. With sanctions being lifted on nations like Myanmar, Iran and, hopefully, Cuba, the question remains whether they will retain their uniqueness or fall into line with the rest?