Ior arc meaindia Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
5 November 2013

India: Regional net security provider

In the coming years, India’s greatest strategic challenge in the Indian Ocean region may not be the development of power projection but the quality of the strategic relationships that it can build in the region. The extents to which India will be recognised as a regional leader depend on these relationships.

mugabe governmentZA flickr Courtesy: GovernmentZA/Flickr
7 August 2013

Zimbabwe: The road to stability?

The ZANU-PF party’s recent victory in the elections in Zimbabwe is fraught with allegations of manipulation. Reactions have varied, but South African President Jacob Zuma has endorsed the outcome. How will Mugabe’s re-election impact relations with South Africa? What will be the impact on Zimbabwe’s economy?

Ministry Of External Affairs, India Courtesy: Ministry Of External Affairs, India
29 March 2013

Beijing banks on BRICS

Indian foreign policy has not yet addressed the ramifications of Chinese economic dominance in BRICS. Nor have we matched China’s engagement within the group to ensure that the BRICS vision of a new international order for emerging economies actually works in their favour.

Www.Oic-Oci.Org Courtesy:
23 January 2013

India and the OIC: To join or not to join?

India’s relations with Islamic nations, many of which are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), have become even more prolific over the last decade. While India does not visualise becoming a member of a religious international body, many reasons militate against our formally joining the OIC.

parliament Courtesy: Shwkyn231/Flickr
31 December 2012

India’s foreign policy: A year in review

The year 2012 has been a busy one for foreign policy: from escalating disputes in the South China Sea to alternate financial instruments from the emerging world. India’s foreign policy too has its shown strengths and weaknesses. We present our top foreign policy Hotspots, Sweet spots and Blind spots for 2012.

green africa Courtesy: trendscout::/Flickr
4 October 2012

A Green Agenda for Africa

All the major economic forces in the world have come together in Africa in a new version of the Great Game. The competition for the continent’s resources will ultimately harm Africa unless Africa uses this opportunity to its advantage and to address its own serious problems.

stockexchange 3 Courtesy: Clipgame/Wikimedia Commons
10 September 2012

Bourse Africa: A sparkling opportunity?

This October, Bourse Africa, the first Pan-African stock exchange is set to begin its operations. Apart from integrating all the African economies and boosting their engagements with international markets, it also aims to commodify diamonds. What does this mean for the future of commerce in Africa?

zenawi Courtesy: World Economic Forum/Flickr
5 September 2012

Time to overhaul African healthcare

The propensity of Africa’s leaders to seek medical treatment abroad illustrates the little faith they have in their own healthcare systems. Given how countless Africans don’t have the resources to follow their leaders’ steps, there should be increased political will to make affordable healthcare available at home.

Can BRICS swaps save the rupee copy Courtesy: Flickr/t3rmin4t0r
1 June 2012

The case for BRICS swaps

Banks around the globe would be wise to take a second look at what now could be the most significant agreement in international finance since the Euro: the BRICS currency swap. Though certain geopolitical risks are involved, could this free India from unpredictable currency fluctuations?

Courtesy: IAEA Imagebank
9 April 2012

Iran: An opportunity for BRICS

The scope for any process on nuclear talks with Iran to founder on distrust, misunderstanding and political in-fighting in both Tehran and Washington remains formidable. Equally disturbing are the wider political realities. Can the upcoming talks in Istanbul launch a process that can, over time, lead to agreement?