honduras Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr
18 December 2013

A long road ahead for Honduras

The elections in Honduras returned to power the right-wing National Party. In contrast to the policies of other Latin American governments, in Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the region, poverty alleviation is not a priority for the conservatives. Will president-elect Juan Hernandez address this problem?

food sedurity Courtesy: Rigues/Flickr
8 November 2013

Food security and WTO

A recent UN report praises governments for promoting the right to food. At the same time, India’s Food Security Act will encounter resistance at the WTO meeting in Bali in December. Can India play an exemplary role in the global power struggle over food security?

ind jap Courtesy: generalising/Flickr
6 November 2013

The new Indo-Pacific core

The India-Japan alliance needs to be viewed through a prism broader than that of "containing" China, and by treating the Indian and Pacific oceans as a single entity. Such an alliance has the potential to strengthen the geopolitical security of India and Japan, along with that of all their allies and associates

dilma Courtesy: Ministério da Saúde/Flickr
17 October 2013

Brazil’s new global agenda for the internet

After revelations that the U.S.’s NSA spied on her, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has ordered a series of measures to ensure online independence and called for an equitable global internet infrastructure. India can follow Brazil’s lead and make its communication systems less vulnerable

Manmohan Humala flickr Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
12 September 2013

Peru: India’s new billion-dollar trade partner in Latin America

Today, despite Indian exports to Peru expected to cross the $ 1 billion mark in 2014, we are at a disadvantage vis-a-vis the exports from Peru's free trade agreement (FTA) partners. Why is it imperative for New Delhi to initiate negotiations with Lima and address the disadvantages of our exporters to their markets?

bolivia Courtesy: Alain Bachellier & WEF/Flickr
19 July 2013

Lessons from Jindal’s Bolivian failure

Jindal’s integrated mining and steel project in Bolivia was the largest contract secured by an Indian company in Latin America. The project, which ultimately became a victim of the country's domestic politics, has lessons for Indian companies venturing into Latin America

egypt Courtesy: oxfamnovib/Flickr
18 July 2013

Protests in democracies – patterns and problems

Elections are meant to be a suitable recourse in democracies if citizens feel that the government does not represent them. However, the recent protests in Brazil, Turkey and India show that people feel political classes are too far removed from their every day realities to address their grievances