mumbai-coastal-road-inaugurated Courtesy:
5 July 2024

India Became Bharat When No One was Looking

India’s story reads like a Bollywood script – unbelievable and insane to those who fail to decode its success. The most discernable change is internal, as ‘India’ and ‘Bharat’ coexist. India has stopped feeling and thinking poor; it’s right up there with the biggies. Maybe not invited to the high table yet, but has set up its own and invited the rest to the lavish banquet.

Reserve Bank India Courtesy: Shapoorji Pallonji
2 May 2024

A central bank for India in Bombay

The Reserve Bank of India entered its 90th year on 1 April. From the 1940s to 1960s it was critical in protecting India’s interests at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, and conserving India’s Forex by managing a Rupee trade with the East Bloc. Today, it is among Mumbai’s several historic financial institutions and has navigated India’s economy through turbulent geopolitical and geoeconomic events.

SifraExcerpt Courtesy: Sarmaya Arts Foundation
7 March 2024

Japan in Bombay and its presidency

India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is currently visiting Japan for the 16th India-Japan Foreign Ministers Strategic Dialogue. The bilateral, which began 130 years ago with Bombay’s cotton trade, has deepened into a Special Strategic and Global Partnership in defence, digital technologies, semiconductor supply chains, clean energy, trade and connectivity. The following book excerpt traces the origin of India-Japan trade ties.

pic for website Courtesy: IMF
19 January 2023

Trade Integration: South Asia and East Asia

Since the 1990s, South Asia–East Asia trade and free trade agreements have accelerated as India’s trade realigned toward East Asia. As regional trade recovers after the COVID-19 pandemic, South Asian economies have opportunities to participate in global value chains and services trade. BIMSTEC may catalyze more effective regional cooperation for small and large economies alike.

IMG-1634 Courtesy: @NarendraModi
12 May 2022

India-Africa: Changing Horizons

Africa as a zone of Sino-Indian contestation has intensified in the COVID era, where both countries extended support to the continent in diverse sectors of human security. Africa needs capacity, and building it means it will not make a choice between India and China, but it will prioritise its own needs and select separately what it needs from both countries

Virtual-Currency Courtesy: Medium
4 August 2016

Digital trade: new frontier

A new phase of globalisation has begun, driven by the rise of digital flows. This phase brings about new questions for the WTO and other global economic and trade governance. A multilateral approach must balance protectionist sentiments along with a desires for digital openness.