india-africa-forum-summit-2 Courtesy:
26 June 2021

Re-energizing India’s Africa policy

Africa is a foreign policy priority for India, but evidence shows a recent decline in bilateral trade and investment. There is already a "third scramble" for geopolitical influence in Africa. Now is the time for India to make new commitments in the continent: developing and deepening links in health, space and digital technologies.

India-Taiwan Courtesy: Shutterstock
24 June 2021

The India-Taiwan imperative for cybersecurity cooperation

India and Taiwan face a common cyber threat from China – an extension of their respective territorial disputes with Beijing. This makes it essential for New Delhi and Taipei to initiate informal cybersecurity cooperation. They can begin by focusing on cyberattack attribution, critical infrastructure protection and cyber hygiene.

taukate-pti-2 Courtesy: PTI
24 June 2021

Hurdles in class action

Incidents such as the recent ONGC barge disaster underline the absence of effective class action suits in India. Tougher action on neglect and liability is vital to assure safety, prevention measures and minimise incidents of negligence. How can India move in the direction of accountability to make it a better abode for employment and business?

four dimensions of the quad Courtesy: Shutterstock
10 June 2021

Four dimensions of the Quad

The Quad countries are preparing for an autumn summit in Washington, which will provide an opportunity to discuss multilateral cooperation in various sectors. Four dimensions which merit closer attention and are crucial to the group's future are the Indo-Pacific strategies of European countries and the EU, partnerships with ASEAN and its members, closer India-U.S. ties and maritime security issues in the Pacific.

india needs a new space strategy Courtesy: ISRO
29 April 2021

India needs a new space strategy

With the space sector being divided into astro-political blocs, India can't afford to stay non-aligned. A recent treaty between China and Russia makes it plain for India that leaving space exploration to a few science aficionados can be dangerous. India needs a national space exploration strategy with tangible economic and meta-strategic goals in sight.

myanmar Courtesy: Reuters
3 March 2021

Myanmar’s coup, India’s way forward

In principle, India supports democracy everywhere, but is also committed to non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. But instability in Myanmar could trigger support for insurgency in India's North east, which is now on the path to progress. Accelerating the completion of India’s development cooperation projects in Myanmar will send a positive signal for regional stability.

commercialising planetary exploration is imperative Courtesy: NASA
26 February 2021

Commercialising Planetary Exploration is Imperative

As more countries pursue missions to Mars, planetary explorations are evolving from being science-driven scientific pursuits to an economics-driven one. For India, commercializing planetary exploration must be a national priority. This demands more attention and contributions from the private sector - especially startups and innovative companies - to ensure a vibrant space program.

India, IOR and blue economy Courtesy: Common Wealth
25 February 2021

India, IOR and the blue economy

The Indian Ocean Region (IOR) presents a unique opportunity to develop a Blue Economy, with security, sustainability and business profitability as its three pillars. An IOR Defence Ministers' Conclave held on 4 February provided a platform to discuss regional cooperation, linking development with defence, and emphasized India's pivotal position within the IOR.

Great Himalayan Achievement Courtesy: Sainik Samachar
18 February 2021

The Great Himalayan Achievement

Hailed as the highest altitude tunnel in the world, the Atal Tunnel at Rohtang pass in Himachal Pradesh is a significant part of India’s border infrastructure push. It has reduced travel time from Manali to Leh and forward areas. It is significant for national defence as also tourism because it provides all-weather connectivity to the Lahaul-Spiti Valley.