g20 Courtesy: G-20 Insights
27 April 2017

Sustainable Ocean Economy, Innovation and Growth: A G20 Initiative for the 7th Largest Economy in the World

The G-20 insights website published a policy brief titled 'Sustainable Ocean Economy, Innovation and Growth: A G20 Initiative for the 7th Largest Economy in the World' that was worked on by Rajni Bakshi, Gandhi Peace Fellow, Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Programme, and Akshay Mathur, Director of Research and Fellow of Geoeconomics Studies, Gateway House and other experts.

Donald_Trump_signs_Executive_Orders_January_2017 Courtesy: Wikipedia Commons
6 February 2017

Trade in the era of de-globalisation

Trump promises to reform the post World War II global order. Neelam Deo discusses how India can benefit from the changes Trump will cause in the existing trade structure as well as the transformation of trade networks in Europe after Brexit

The Hindu Courtesy: The Hindu
25 October 2016

Postcards of change

Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Gateway House wrote an article for The Hindu on the evolving India-Myanmar bilateral relationship.

The Hindu Courtesy:
12 September 2016

On Suu Kyi’s itinerary

Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Programme, Gateway House, wrote an article for The Hindu on Myanmar Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi's upcoming itinerary