two point six billion_0 Courtesy: 2point6billion
29 August 2012

In 400 words: Raghuram Rajan

2point6billion republished Gateway House's Akshay Mathur's analysis of Raghuram Rajan, the new Chief Economic Advisor of the Indian government. He argues that given his his leaning towards fiscal discipline and supply-side solutions, the nation can expect some neoliberal policy advice.

Americas Quarterly_1 Courtesy: Americas Quarterly
28 August 2012

India and CELAC: Beyond Commodities

Americas Quarterly published Gateway House's Hari Seshasayee's article on the India-CELAC relations. He examines whether given the increased political will from both sides, can CELAC be the driver for India-Latin America relations or will bilateral ties maintain the status quo?

the outsider small Courtesy: The Outsider
23 August 2012

The Outsider Debates

Bloomberg TV India, in association with Sobo Films, has launched a debate show titled The Outsider, which will be hosted by veteran journalist Tim Sebastian. The panellists will examine the socio-economic issues that impede India’s growth. Gateway House is the official knowledge partner for this series.

the outsider small Courtesy:
23 August 2012

The Outsider Debates

Bloomberg TV India, in association with Sobo Films, has launched a debate show titled The Outsider, which will be hosted by veteran journalist Tim Sebastian. The panellists will examine the socio-economic issues that impede India’s growth. Gateway House is the Read more

new statesman Courtesy: New Statesman
23 August 2012

The complex relationship between Islamism and democracy

New Statesman republished Gateway House's Daniel Jacobius Morgan's article on the relationship between Islamism and democracy. He argues that Moderate Islamism should be seen as a means of institutionalising religious conservatism.

Americas Quarterly_1 Courtesy: Americas Quarterly
20 August 2012

India-Peru: New Pacific Pivot

Americas Quarterly republished Gateway House's Hari Seshasayee's article on India-Peru relations. He argues that new commercial exchanges between the two can enhance the bilateral, but strategic elements must be incorporated if both countries are to benefit from each others' geopolitical alliances.

the_diplomat_feature_logo_1 Courtesy: The Diplomat
15 August 2012

An Independence Day Reflection

The Diplomat republished Gateway House's Ambassador Neelam Deo's article on the factors that impede the smooth functioning of democracy, in India and abroad. She argues that it is imperative to find ways to confront the shortcomings that have crept into our cherished democracies.

dawn news_0 Courtesy: Dawn News
15 August 2012

Regenerating our democracy

Dawn republished Gateway House's Ambassador Neelam Deo's article on the factors that impede the smooth functioning of democracy, in India and abroad. She argues that it is imperative to find ways to confront the shortcomings that have crept into our cherished democracies.

fair observer_3 Courtesy: Fair Observer
13 August 2012

India’s Wounded Democracy

Fair Observer republished Sudeep Chakravarti's article on the internal health of India's democratic system. He argues that although India's foreign policy prowess is growing, the smooth functioning of our democracy is threatened by poverty, corruption and displacement - issues that need to be addressed promptly.