skynews-colombo-sri-lanka-port_5811767 Courtesy: Reuters
1 February 2024

Pulling Sri Lanka out of the abyss

Sri Lanka has demonstrated signs of recovery following the stabilising policies implemented by the Wickremesinghe government. However, the road ahead for economic recovery is long, with risks associated with the upcoming Presidential elections, geopolitical tensions and debt restructuring.

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1 February 2024

Finding light in Myanmar’s darkness

The conflict in Myanmar is now three years old. It has created a power struggle within the military, and between the army, political class, and armed ethnic groups, a civil war with little hope for victory. India's policy towards Myanmar needs reassessment, given the rising refugee influx and security concerns.

maldives china Courtesy: Xinhua
15 January 2024

Maldives’ pivot to China

A tiny nation of half a million people, Maldives has drawn enormous attention from the media, diplomats and informed public since Muizzu’s election last September. The interest has only risen after the recent diplomatic row with India and Muizzu’s increased bonhomie with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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4 January 2024

Reading the tea leaves for 2024

After a year affected by a sustained polycrisis, global geopolitics in 2024 remains a delicate dance between hope and realism. Ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza cast uncertain shadows, while Taiwan and the South China Sea present potential flashpoints. Indian diplomacy will have to navigate old and new challenges, while promoting India’s expertise in digital technology, as also managing its own upcoming parliamentary elections.

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21 December 2023

New Delhi’s quest for AI collaboration

The inaugural summit of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), hosted by India earlier this month, drew special attention given the dramatic strides made in the field in the past year. As it prepares to chair the GPAI in 2024, India can draw on its large workforce, the university system and the technology stack to steer conversations on AI regulation, innovation and deployment towards a balanced and equitable path.

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21 December 2023

Political risks to Sri Lanka’s economic stability

A stabilising economy in Sri Lanka has eased inflationary pressures and foreign exchange liquidity crises in the past year. As economic recovery steps up, Sri Lanka has also sought free trade agreement-led Asian regionalism. However, with presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for 2024 and an opposition that wants to renegotiate the IMF agreement, A lasting economic recovery may be derailed by political risks.

2n d voice of globa;l south summit Courtesy: DD News
23 November 2023

Maintaining the Global South momentum

On November 17, India hosted the Voice of the Global South Summit – the second such meeting this year. While the first summit helped India mould the agenda for its G20 presidency, this latest meeting, convened towards the end of the presidency, was aimed at sustaining the momentum, with the support of developing countries, for the implementation of G20 decisions.

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16 November 2023

The road ahead for G20

The outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war less than a month after the conclusion of the New Delhi Summit has heightened the geopolitical anxieties that hovered over India’s G20 presidency year. As the baton passes to Brazil, purposeful action, careful diplomacy and managing conflicting interests will be key to the implementation of the Summit’s commitments.

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2 November 2023

India’s SCO Challenge

At the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on October 26, Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar stressed the importance of maintaining regional stability and enhancing economic cooperation in Central Asia. Achieving its economic and strategic objectives in the SCO will become a challenge for Indian diplomacy next year, when Pakistan takes on the chairmanship of the grouping.

education Courtesy: Mint
26 October 2023

India needs a student work visa

The National Education Policy (2020) has made internationalisation a key priority for Indian higher education. However, gaps remains because the NEP does not offer foreign students opportunities to gain work experience in India. An expanded provision of student work visas is necessary to amplify the advantages of the NEP and tap the demographic and financial potential of an internationalised higher education ecosystem.