livemint Courtesy: Livemint
22 January 2015

Challenges of Rajni Kothari’s legacy

Rajni Bakshi, Gandhi Peace Fellow, Gateway House has written an article on Rajni Kothari a political scientist who better known at the grassroots of Indian political life, among those struggling to deepen and widen democracy. This article has been republished by Livemint.

rediff Courtesy:
15 January 2015

Tolerance as a duty is a pre-requisite to making India

Rajni Bakshi, Gandhi Peace Fellow, Gateway House, has written an article where she theorizes that if democracy is to survive and thrive, duties have to be as important as rights and tolerance must be the foundation of public and private life. This article has been republished by

Political Indian Courtesy: The Political Indian
15 January 2015

The “deep web”: New threat to business

Sameer Patil, Associate Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism, Gateway House has written an article on the threat of Cyber crime, where this “darknet” has financial and security implications for the Indian government and business sector. This article has been republished by The Political Indian

eurasia review Courtesy: Eurasia Review
15 January 2015


Sameer Patil, Associate Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism, Gateway House has written an article on threat of Cyber crime where this “darknet” has serious financial and security implications for the Indian government and business sector. This article has been republished by Eurasia Review

eurasia review Courtesy: Eurasia Review
15 January 2015


Rajni Bakshi, Gandhi Peace Fellow, Gateway House and Sameer Patil, Associate Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism, Gateway House, have written an article on the Islamic State’s violence in 2014’s, masking important non-violent initiatives around the world. This article has been republished by Eurasia Review

Asian Age Courtesy: The Asian Age
15 January 2015

What Modi and Obama can do

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, has written an article on President Obama’s second visit to India while in office to attend India’s Republic Day parade as chief guest, the bilateral relationship can be taken to a higher level. This article has been republished by The Asian Age

The Diplomat_logo Courtesy: The Diplomat
8 January 2015

India’s Foreign Policy Reimagined

The style and substance of Narendra Modi’s foreign policies have been very different from those of his predecessors. The Diplomat republished Gateway House's article analysing Modi's outreach in 2014