Hindu Bizline Courtesy: Business Line
19 March 2015

Repo rate cut — lost in transmission

Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House, has written an article commenting on the recent cut in the repo rate in India. This article has been republished by Business Line

Political indian Courtesy: The Political Indian
19 March 2015

Examining the Gilead deal

Kunal Nathwani, Research Intern, Gateway House, has written an article analyzing the Gilead Licensing Agreement with seven Indian Pharmaceutical Companies. This article has been republished by The Political Indian

ft jpg Courtesy: Financial Times
11 March 2015

Modi launches charm offensive in Indian Ocean backyard

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, has been quoted in an article on the trips taken by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Seychelles, Mauritius and Sri Lanka from the March 10 - 14, as a way of countering China's influence in the region. This article has been published in the Financial Times

outlooklogo Courtesy: Outlook
11 March 2015

A sharing of instruments

Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House, has written an article commenting on the recent cut in the repo rate in India. This article has been republished by Outlook

Yahoo! News Courtesy: Yahoo News
11 March 2015

German professor’s ‘rape remark’ stirs uproar in India

Sameer Patil, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism, Gateway House has been quoted in an article where he has stated the injustice done to an Indian student who was rejected for an internship, by a professor in a German company on the grounds of India's "rape culture". This article has been published by Yahoo News

aljazeera-logo Courtesy: Al Jazeera
11 March 2015

German professor’s ‘rape remark’ stirs uproar in India

Sameer Patil, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism, Gateway House has been quoted in an article where he has stated the injustice done to an Indian student who was rejected for an internship, by a professor in a German company on the grounds of India's "rape culture". This article has been published by Al Jazeera