econwatch Courtesy: Economywatch
7 February 2014

India And The TPP: Wait Or Join?

EconomyWatch republished an article written for Gateway House by Dr. Dan Steinbock on the Trans Pacific Partnership. Dr Steinbock says that while joining the TPP will energize India's trade, negotiating an entry may need concessions which may not be in its interests

TPI 2 Courtesy: The Political Indian
31 January 2014

Shinzo Abe in India: Alignment assured

The Political Indian republished an article by Neelam Deo, Co-founder and Director, Gateway House for the Gateway House website. The article talks about how India and Japan's growing closeness is in response to China's growing aggression

mea 1 Courtesy: MEA
23 January 2014

Film review: Frontier Gandhi’s Legacy

The Ministry of External Affairs republished Gateway House's Rajni Bakshi's review of the film 'The Frontier Gandhi: Badshah Khan’. In the article, she says Badshah Khan drew on his spiritual Islamic moorings to show that non-violence could be a political weapon as well as a way of life

ind Courtesy:
18 January 2014

Controlling Cyberspace

The Indian economist republished an article by Gateway House's Dev Lewis looking at how the rights of internet users worldwide is under threat from watchful states

eurobricsmedia Courtesy: Euro-BRICS
7 January 2014

2014: India’s foreign policy priorities

Euro-BRICS, a news and analysis website republished Gateway House's article on India's foreign policy priorities for 2014. Gateway House argues that India must operate within its capabilities but without compromising on domestic problems

WORLDPRESS Courtesy: Worldpress
6 November 2013

Tapping into Latin America’s Oil

Worldpress, a news and analysis website, republished an article by Gateway House's Hari Seshasayee on India's oil imports from Latin America. He argues that with Latin America’s surplus energy production and discoveries in off-shore oil fields, India must further consolidate its oil trade with the region

aq Courtesy: Americas Quarterly
4 November 2013

Tapping Into Latin America’s Oil

Americas Quarterly, a journal dedicated to policy analysis, republished an article by Gateway House's Hari Seshasayee on India's oil imports from Latin America. He argues that with Latin America’s surplus energy production and discoveries in off-shore oil fields, India must further consolidate its oil trade with the region