The gulf today Courtesy: The Gulf Today
3 October 2013

The science of non-violence

The Gulf Today republished Gateway House’s Rajni Bakshi’s article, ‘The science of non-violence.’ She argues that re-stating our intention in favour of non-violence is an essential starting point in addressing the several issues that plague our world today.

ET Courtesy: The Economic Times
2 October 2013

Why companies must embrace trusteeship

The Economic Times published Gateway House’s Rajni Bakshi’s article on the concept of ‘trusteeship.’ She argues that the true essence of trusteeship is about a better alignment of business and society, profits and the larger common good, and that it is imperative for businesses in a maturing democracy to embrace it.

The Hindu Courtesy: The Hindu
2 October 2013

The science of non-violence

The Hindu published Gateway House’s Rajni Bakshi’s article, ‘The science of non-violence.’ She argues that re-stating our intention in favour of non-violence is an essential starting point in addressing the several issues that plague our world today.

Quartz Courtesy: Quartz
30 September 2013

There’s a quiet revolution taking place in Indian manufacturing

Quartz republished George Wyeth’s article on the ongoing changes in the Indian manufacturing sector. He argues that competitive pressure is now forcing a transformation, and explains how new management models now being adopted can change how investors and customers perceive Indian companies

The Hindu Courtesy: The Hindu
24 September 2013

A sugar rush that could fuel the economy

The Hindu republished an article by Gateway House's Ambassador R. Viswanathan on India's extreme dependence on imported energy. He argues that India, being the world’s second-largest producer of sugarcane, should emulate Brazil by replacing petrol with ethanol as fuel